Okay, fine with me. Why? Because that's true. XD
Dude, not all of us are like that. Yeah, I know there are a good number like this, but they tend to grow out of it anyway. I grew out of it, and I wasn't even emo when I used to be all whiney about life, in fact it was a while after I became emo when I grew out of that. Yeah, I can get upset about things these days, but I know that my life is really good, considering I've watched my friend go through real hell. Seriously, I know that some can be like that and it IS annoying, but it's not all of us. I know a lot of people who don't just sit around and mope and cry over everything. In fact, I know a lot of them that are playful, kind, and happy with their lives. Also, not all cut themselves, either. I don't. My friend used to, but she stopped. Besides, I know a lot of people of who aren't emo and have cut themselves. I know more people that aren't emo and cut than I do that are emo and cut.
Sorry, I'm basically the one who started this, but I just wanted to put my opinion down. Eh, I guess people are always going to be driven away from other groups of people for whatever they dislike about them, and of course that means they'll be drawn to other groups because of what they like about them. Yeah, I get that point of view. I don't care what people want to call me, just as long as I am myself, I guess that's all I care about. But I totally understand the whole hate towards stereotyping, it's bothersome, and people end up fighting over it and whatnot. Stereotyping...just isn't worth it, and it's useless. Yeah, you are too. ^^
That's exactly why you posted a thread about emos, which of course would spark a bunch of people to bash them, right? You do realize that half the site hates emos, right? Topics like this always lead to emo bashing. I get that. Seriously, I hate how everyone thinks emos can't fight. Yeah, I personally can't fight, but I know people who can. Anyone who takes the time to beef up their body, attend martial arts classes, or anything else along those lines, will be capable of fighting well. I really don't get where the whole impression that emos can't fight came from. Che, obviously you were lying. What do you think I am, stupid? not. >.>
This thread makes me laugh. How pathetic it is, people caring about stereotypes. Ooh, someone posts a thread about emos, lets make fun of emos now! =D Everyone of you who has problems with people who don't give a shit if they're stereotyped or not makes me sick. Seriously, how mature do you think you are? People who dress in black, in which you refer to as emos (or goths...but in this case it's emos), are still people just like you. If you wish to stereotype, you would call me an emo, because I fit the criteria down to the core. I'm not afraid to admit that I'm an emo either, because I know who I am, and I'm not insecure about myself. Seriously, if you run around saying what groups of people you hate, and spewing that crap about how you hate stereotypes, you're nothing but an insecure jerk. That's my honest opinion. Hate me all you want because I'm an emo. >.>
Only a couple of their songs are nice, aside from those songs I couldn't care less for them.
Fear is a normal emotion, just like happiness, anger, sorrow, etc. Fear builds from many different reasons, and it's a normal emotion to feel. Unless if there's some sort of disorder or something that makes people unable to feel emotions (I don't know if there is; is there?), then I don't believe that people who can feel any other emotion cannot feel fear. Some people may claim to not be afraid of anything, but they tend to be insecure about their fears and prefer not to think about them, or they may believe they actually aren't able to feel fear but it's still possible for fear to be triggered in them. The point is, I do believe everyone feels fear.
In Your Face - Children of Bodom
Touch Like Angel Of Death - Children of Bodom I still can't pick my favorite Children of Bodom song. XD
The Quiet Place - In Flames
Maybe it'll turn out like that episode of South Park, where Shelley met her online boyfriend in person, they stood there silently, and then they walked away from each other, only to talk to each other online instead. X3 ....Or maybe not. XD; *Shot'd*
I love it rare...and bloody~
Trigger - In Flames I'm becoming addicted to this song. Weird.
Yeah, from what I've heard the Bible was written by many different people over hundreds of year gaps. It was something like that, anyways. The Bible was also put together hundreds of years after Jesus' Crucifixion. As for my opinion, I've read a bit of the bible. I only read a little when I became a Christian. Some of the things in it, I can agree with. Other things, including the quotes above, uh...not at all. Seriously, some of the things in the Bible are pretty...scary? Messed up? Whatever you want to call it. I can't believe in religion. I blindly follow, it's not the way I am. I'm more of an intelligent thinker, I don't have any religion. I have many theories, and perhaps a God does exist, but I don't know if there really is one. I believe in nothing that I don't have any proof or evidence of. Just theories. I'm fine with being this way. In my personal opinion, I'm fine with people who are religious, as well as I'm fine with religion. Admittedly there are religions I do not agree with in the least, but for the most part religions teach morals and are peace-based. What I am against, actually, is Organized Religion. I'd be happy to see Organized Religion wiped off the face of the Earth. Extremists are another major problems, they take things WAY too far, as I'm sure most of you have seen. I also don't like people who try to push religion onto those who don't want it. This is just my own opinion. Don't tear me limb from limb, please.
Pictures, or it doesn't exist. >:3
My first suggestion is definitely Final Fantasy VII. It's my most favorite game. My second suggestion would be Final Fantasy IX. That game practically turned invisible because of all the newer Final Fantasy games, as well as the spin offs from Final Fantasy VII. It's actually a pretty good game, but it's hidden in the shadows with all of the older Final Fantasies, counting down from six. Somehow VIII seemed to stand in the spotlight a bit, even with all of the focus being on Final Fantasy X and beyond. IX was swept under the carpet, though. You just never heard about it, anymore.
I think cheating is such a cruel thing to do, really. I couldn't forgive someone for cheating on me. I'm not a forgiving person, and I'll only forgive people who are really close to me. But seriously, if I was with someone who cheated on me, it would totally show that that person just doesn't actually care about me. I'd never cheat on my lover if I was ever in a relationship, so why should they do that to me, anyways? I've been pushed around so much in my life, that forgiving people is hard for me. To me, getting cheated on would be like getting stabbed in the back. It's betrayal in my eyes. So, I just couldn't forgive a cheater and stay with them.
That's funny. I joined at the end of 2006, and mine only has 587 visits. I can't tell if it's a good thing or not. X3
I used to use Internet Explorer, but on this computer (I don't know whether it's Vista or what) every time I have Internet Explorer open, it freezes and I have to constantly close it out and re-open everything again. Sometimes I even have to restart my computer because it slows down too much. I haven't been impressed with Internet Explorer lately anyways. In my opinion, it's been going downhill in speed and function since they made Internet Explorer 7. I switched to eight and I was STILL having freezing problems. So, I decided to try Mozzila Firefox. I like it, it works faster and functions better than Internet Explorer. It even has tabs, no toolbars required. It also reads things in better format than Internet Explorer, in my opinion. For instance, on Internet Explorer, I couldn't see the transparencies on any YouTube profile I looked at (including my own), but I could see them clearly with Firefox. So yeah, I'm glad I game Firefox a chance. This is entirely my opinion, other people might think differently, so yeah. XD;
Twister - Orange Range