A Sophomore is a person in the 10th grade of a school in America. It goes like this: Elementary school: Grades K [Kindergarten, the introduction grade to elementary school before 1st grade] - 4 [some elementary schools go up to fifth grade] Middle School (also known as junior high school): Grades 5 [sometimes 6] - 8 High School: Grades 9 - 12 I'm not sure why, but high school's grade numbers are given names (in which the students are also refered to as). These are the names: Grade 9 - Freshman Grade 10 - Sophomore Grade 11 - Junior Grade 12 - Senior Okay, hope that cleared things up. ________________________ @ Zeroro: Death really sucks. It makes you realize how fragile this world is. I apologize for your loss. But, keep your chin up, alright?
In Freshman year someone I lived with died. When they were in the hospital, I missed one day of school because it had finally hit me that he was dying and I broke down. Yeah. :/
Here's the video of someone I know climbing on stage and singing with a band not too long ago: Spoiler Not. XD
I decided to go against the majority and say clothes. =D .. Okay, in all honesty, get the PSP and Dissida.
Wow, that's awesome. I love the hues of blue you used for the sky. The color of the girl's dress is pretty. I really like the colors! As a bit of a suggestion, maybe you could have made the chairs at the table a bit different in color, the really pale yellowish color with the purple backs feels kinda odd to me. But nevertheless, awesome job. ^^ Isn't it nice when creativity can cheer you up? :3
Thank you for posting this. You just made me realize how horrible of an idea this was. XD Don't take this seriously: No, seriously, I never expected Disney to trounce Marvel. Pixar makes kids stuff that's kinda similar to some of Disney's stuff (not exactly, but you get the point)...but now Marvel? What, are they targeting every animation place now? Is this some diabolical plot of theirs to rule the animation world? Maybe the team up with Square Enix to make Kingdom Hearts has more behind it then we realize... :/gasp:
*Facepalm* I remember seeing that video a while back....
1, 4, and 7 are my favorites. I really admire how nice these look, they're simple yet pretty. I must say, the backgrounds are just as beautiful as the people are. You did a nice job on these. ^^
Get some ice. Oh wai-
^ This. I hate cheaters. :3
@ RVR: Those are priceless!!! You guys must enjoy being staff. X3
Wow, it took me freakin' 14 pages to catch up to this thread. @.@ Anyways, I remember how n00bish I was. It was horrible. I was totally a rager. *Facepalm* Anyways, this question will make my brain explode if I don't ask. Did Xaldin actually de-admin himself? I remember vaguely that he claimed to have done that or somethin'. XD;
They look kinda hungry.
I would still play Kingdom Hearts if: * It wasn't based on the homosexuality, and instead it was still based on the storyline. * The pairings they chose weren't creepy (like Donald and Goofy or something twisted like that). Since it is a E+ rated game, I'd assume there wouldn't be any action, therefore I wouldn't worry about any of the action taking over the game. I honestly don't care if there's any action in something or not, but when it's all about the action without an actual storyline, forget it, I have no desire to bother with it. By the way, I have no problems with gay pairings, be it mxm or fxf. I still have my own opinions about what pairings I like, I'm not a brainwashed fangirl that just screams over every gay pairing. Oh hell no. But, homosexuality doesn't bother me. I'd be bothered if the homosexuality destroyed the storyline. The gameplay would obviously be unaffected, but the story could be majorly damaged.
The more you post, the more awesome you are. XD
Welcome nozomi! Don't worry about this forum "babying" newbies, people tend to be a bit rough with the newbies actually, but don't let it get to you since that's just the way they are. XD Anyways, I'm glad to hear that you are familiar with forums. Just read and abide by the rules, spam only in the spam zone, and enjoy the site! ^^
Alright. ---
I'm not saying anything bad about the way either of you look, I'm just noting the fact that you changed this into a thread of posting pictures of yourself. Someone made a new post pictures of yourself thread kinda recently and this just reminded me of it. I didn't mean to offend you, I'm sorry.
I love how this randomly switched from being a topic about posting pictures of hot girls to posting pictures of yourself. The freakin' internet. XD
Better light up now, I think it might take a while to smoke that. That was lame, but I tried. -.-;