that's cute :) you know most dvd's do that right? lol silly goose
^^ at least you slept! woah, we're both online. wwahaaa?
Rebecca grabbed hold of his ankle tightly. "David, 'dirt don't hurt'." she quoted, knowing by his expression, voice, and a long friendship how much he didn't want dirt on his hands.
coolio, that sounds fun :)
Rebecca watched them loop around for awhile before giving it a try herself. When they were near a tall building she put her hand out to the roof and used it to propel her body around in a tight sumersault. When she finally regained her blance and flight she was laughing uncontrolably and totally dizzy. "Are we nearly there?" she asked, after seeing a light turn on from her noise and quieting down.
haha, that's hilarious! lol you're a dork :P did you do anything!?
OOC: okey dokey, i was just wondering about that actually :) BIC: Rebecca had a hard time holding onto David the few times he fell again but when he was flying, she let him go and clapped him on the back with a cheer. It felt like how things used to be with them execpt something seemed to be missing. If Rebecca had taken the time to think about it, she would have realized what was missing was William, the third member of the trio. Unfortunetly, she didn't take the time to think of it, she was flying to Neverland.
poke him in the eyes! btw, in case hannah didn't pass it on: HAPPY NEW YEARS! what cha do for the eve of today?
Rebecca held out her hands to David. "Here, this way you won't ever fall." she said encouraging, although she was giggling alittle from his fall. She knew David could do it, he just needed confidence.
but they're going to be all hard and stuff... one of them is a two period class, that means like a four hour final! pleeeease? *puppy dog...
Rebecca looked from David to Peter. "Can he?" she asked Peter, her wide eyes meeting his hopefully. "He's a great sword fighter and he's very loyal and even Tinker Bell likes him." she counted off these good features on her finger tips, adding the part about Tinker Bell as she knew how the pixie looked at her and from her mother and grand mother's stories that the little woman was not taken with many people.
Jinx caught up to Bee and grabbed the back of her shirt. She stopped, pulling the new born to her so she could talk into her ear. "I don't want you to get hurt but I care more for Gabriel right now so if you screw this up for us, you'll regret it." she said before letting the struggling girl go. "Come on, let's kick Dracula's ass." she ran off again, hoping that she got through Bee's ego alittle. Carl paused his dance party and looked down to earth. "Oh my, this is getting interesting. Ugh, he's a permant werewolf? how vile, without me there he'll shoot himself in the head or somethign!" he complained.
wah! why!? come here now! for finals and take my math test for me :D
"You just have bad tastes in humans." Grace bluntly added. "Like another princess I could mention." she said, gabbing Sakura in the ribs with her elbow before giving her a fond smile. "but you're definetly not a ditz! Lucca's just looking out for you."
Rebecca turn in mid-air so that she was looking at the neighboring window. "oh David!" she flew to his window and held the sill he was leaning on. "It's Peter Pan, he's for real! and Tinker Bell, can you believe it? He's asked me to go to Neverland like Mama and Grandma did." she beamed at her friend, waiting for what she assumed would be a delighted reply.
yay! i'll wait for you at the gates!
"Second to the left and straight on to morning!" Rebecca echoed in her own crowing voice. She was rapidly loosing her restraints and wanted to fly out the window without a worry for the huge drop below. She followed Peter through the air and with her first step out of the window she did a swift spin, just to prove she could.
Grace glared at Sakura over Mia's shoulder, not letting go of her hug. "Sakura, he is not cute! He's obnoxious and rude." she said back, obviously not a fan of the human boy. "Eh, i mean I was totally kidding! What are you talking about?" she tried to look innocent with big eyes.
Jinx muttered something that sounded like "pain in the ass", brushing past the others and breaking into a full run after Beatrice. Lestat, get your creation out of the way already. She's just going to join Dracula or get killed or something. she thought, incase the older vampire happened to listen.
fine, just gate crash ST then :D