well i can't argue with that logic :D
O.O you are crazy. you just gotta let her be creative
yeah. she said she doesnt' know what to do
that's cuz i'm special! yay i win she said "i'm farming woman! lol"
only on the inside! on the outside i'd probably do better in school but i'd be all booooring and shiiiit (don't yell at me!)
oh right i can do that... ahaha what would i do without you?
Rebecca remembered the story about her grandmother and grandmother's brothers being blown out of the sky and sighed. He really has a bad memory. she decided with a shrug. Then she peeked over the cloud again, hoping to catch a glimpse of the imfamous Hook. She knew Peter was famous for his fights with the captin but she had always dreampt of being the one to cross blades with the old codfish.
wait no she's not. waah!
same here with the connection. tell her she can kiss her own butt! oh wait... she's on yahoo. i shall spam her ^^
haha, poor hannah :P
teehee hey where is hook? ;)
Rebecca gave him a puzzled look. "They can?" she asked, "What if they fire at us? I don't think David and I can fly away that fast, even if you two can." she had a feeling this line of reasoning wasn't going to convince him.
arg, so natural! =P no more winning for you!
haha, this is true!
Rebecca took another quick look around before following the boys. She and David exchanged a quick look, knowing exactly who Peter meant. "Is he really here?" she whispered, hiding with the others.
kk, i'll burn you a copy. it's a nice cd :)
You want pocahontas?
Rebecca gasped faintly as they traveled, captivated by the star's brilliance. Her heart raced faster and faster until they broke through. Looking down at Peter and Tink she realized where they were. "Neverland!" she practicly shouted, grabbing David by the shoulder and shaking him while pointing at the approching island. Her head turned every which way, trying to take it all in.
i'm surprised it's not on the soundtrack... oh that reminds me, if you don't already have them, i have the little mermaid and pocahontas...
i didn't know that. how weird. what's the other song called?