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  1. Princess_of_hearts
  2. Princess_of_hearts
    Rebecca looked from Tink to David. "Okey, she offically likes you. I guess one out of two isn't bad." she smiled up at the fairy, assuming things were fine now. "Glad to see you Tink! Why were we shot at?" she asked without giving a thought to not being able to understand the fairy.

    Slightly looked back at Nibs and shrugged. "She said to shoot at the one she's over. Maybe it's a disguise, maybe Hook thinks if the monster looks like a girl we won't hurt it." he suggested, raising his bow with confidence after this explanation. "One, two, three!" he whispered just loud enough for the other boys to hear. Arrows, stones, and various things flew through the air.

    Rebecca heard something move in the bushes and whizz through the air past her. She felt something hit her shoulder that stung and knocked her over, causing her to hit her head on the ground with sickly thud.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jan 11, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Princess_of_hearts
  4. Princess_of_hearts
    Rebecca squared her shoulders and shook her head. "Waiting around won't do any go-...." she stopped talking and turned towards where the lost boys were hiding. "That sounded like bells." she whispered. "Tink?" she called out, "Tinker Bell is that you?" she started to run towards the noise again.

    Slightly exchanged a look of confusion with Nibs. "It's coming towards us." he said, although he was sure he'd heard someone yell Tink's name. he looked down at the little fairy. "Tink you're all red." he commented lightly.

    OOC: nice! i miss those movies. i want my vhs player back!
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jan 10, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Princess_of_hearts
  6. Princess_of_hearts
    "Yes, I think so." Rebecca nodded. "But where are they, I could have sworn the group of boys I saw was over this way...."

    Slightly nodded. "Yeah, you can hear them moving 'round, let's hide in the bushes and wait for them here. Sounds like they're getting closer." he made a hushing noise to the other boys and every one scurried away to wait.

    Rebecca looked back to David as they walked. "David... did you hear that?" she asked, having heard a slight rustling farther along path they were going along as the Lost Boys hid.

    Slightly thought to himself as they heard movement closer and closer. The flying beast must have the new boy captive. I wonder what it looks like. Peter's gonna be so excited to see we caught the flying monster. I bet Hook throws a real fit too.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jan 10, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Princess_of_hearts
    OOC: enjoy lunch! i may do the same ^^

    BIC:Rebecca clung to his hand, somewhere between fright and anger. How dare they throw things at them! What were they thinking?! She fought hard to think of something else as they flew down so they wouldn't fall with these angry thoughts. When they finally got to the ground she instantly walked towards the where they'd seen the boys, pulling David with her since she didn't let go of his hands. It wouldn't take long for the two parties to meet.

    Slightly cheere with the others but he had noticed something. The boy had flown into the creature when they'd fired. Now why would he do that? He might have gotten hit. He frowned, thinking the boy may not be the brightest after all.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jan 10, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Princess_of_hearts
    Slightly closed one eye to aim and held the bow and arrow up towards the approching figures. "One..." he said, watching them get bigger. Now they could tell one was a boy and the other wasn't.

    Rebecca flew as fast as she could, following the pixie dust. She was laughing without worry as they took turns being in the lead.

    "Two..." Slightly aimed higher, knowing how to hit something moving like they were. Something nagged at the back of his mind though. Was there something familar about the flying creature. The noise it was making, almost like laughter, made his mind say "mother" but he shook it off as they were at the perfect distance now. "THREE!"

    Rebecca heard something shout below them and looked down, in time to see a group of boys with a variety of weapons. "David..." she started to say, questioningly.

    OOC: i know right? they're all so cute in their own way
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jan 10, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Princess_of_hearts
    OOC: awesome descriptions though :D

    BIC:"Don't worry. I'm sure that won't happen this time." Rebecca said cheerfully. "Besides, she likes you. I think she's just being herself. We'll be fine." she grinned at David. "We're in Neverland, David, no worries here!" after saying this she did a little turn in the air and sped off, daring David to race her.

    Slightly eyes went wide. 'She says a flying monster followed her along with a boy. Peter must have gotten a new lost boy!" He looked excited at that thought before remembering the danger. "Oh, but we have to protect the hidout from the flying beast. It's one of Hook's things and it wants to know where we live." he translated, leaping around and making gestures to make it sound even more exciting. "Everyone get your bow's and arrows and sling shots. We've got to save the new lost boy and stop Hook's flying thing!"
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jan 10, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Princess_of_hearts
    Rebecca bit her bottom lip, trying to keep up but also falling behind. "I don't know... Mom and Grandma always said she didn't like them. Esspically Grandma, remember the story about the "Wendy bird". I hope she likes us more than that..."

    Slightly caught the spy glass and looked out and up. "Ah i don't see her." he said, scanning the sky. But soon he saw the flicker that he knew to be a fairy and focused on it. Recognizing the fairy he wooped. "There she is! Hey Tink!" he put the spy glass down and waved to her with a huge grin on his face. "Where's Peter?"
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jan 10, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Princess_of_hearts
    OOC: aww poor edward, no one listens to him being smart heehe

    BIC:Jinx dropped her glamour reluctantly. "He changed? I hadn't noticed." she replied, swinging her foot up to kick his throat. "Get off of him." she added sharply. Her throat stung from talking against his grip but she gave no indication how much stronger he was than her, keeping eye contact.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jan 10, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Princess_of_hearts
    Jinx continued to run and soon enough saw the werewolf and vampire battle taking place. She stopped, seeing Dracula tower ontop of Van Helsing. She thought over the options for helping Van Helsing, saw they all came down to drawing attention to the group approching, and went with the most direct and least time wasting. She threw a strong glamour over herself to appear invisible and approched the two. The glamour wouldn't work for very long to Dracula, as he was so strong, but if he wasn't paying attention it should hold for a little while.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jan 10, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Princess_of_hearts
    Rebecca smiled back but she was stopped in mid air. "We can't leave him can we?" she asked, wanting so much to join Peter in taunting Hook. At the same time she did want to meet the lost boys. So after a breif internal delema she followed David and Tink. "Okey Tink! Let's go!" she said cheerfully, hoping the fairy was warming up to her. Of course she wasn't, but Rebecca hoped anyways.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jan 10, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Princess_of_hearts
    Rebecca scrambled to follow the boys, her eyes going from one pirate to the next. Their names and their stories filled her mind until she looked at Hook. "Hook." she whispered to herself, trying out the name to see how it fit the real life version of her make believe enemy. A grin crossed her face and she flew after the boys.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jan 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Princess_of_hearts
    Rebecca's eyes were glued to the cabin door, waiting impatently. The pirates were just like they'd imagined in their games execpt louder and better.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jan 7, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Princess_of_hearts
    OOC: FINALLY! heehee, we love ya! promise!
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Jan 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Princess_of_hearts
  18. Princess_of_hearts
  19. Princess_of_hearts
  20. Princess_of_hearts