or for booking in advance or anything at all... we will have to do our research!
that's a great plan! i totally love it and shall look into it :) i bet if we look we could even find a good deal this early
that's a brilliant idea! i will tell my mommy bout it :) by then we could drive up the three of us.
busy busy busy, but it sounds all good :)
whaa? :D i'm confused but this sounds exciting!
and when will that be?! :D heehee, i like making you mad when it means i can see ya
haha, homework is always up! what's going on over there/
yo yo you! :)
that's one of the best reasons there are. just watching futurama.
morning? wow i think we have a time difference haha. what's up? :)
nuh uuuh! and i don't see where i spelled things wrong... =p teehee
um, i blame being sick? oh yeah and cuz you just love it!
Slightly, unlike his fellow lost boy Nibs, laughed aloud at the silly sight. But, when the discussion turned to where to go he was serious again. "I agree, no need for indians to attack us. Let's go!" he punched his fist into the air and took to the head of the crowd, leading the way.
Jinx's breath was knocked hard from her as she collided with the tree. "Stupid son of the devil." she muttered, staggering to her feet. "I'm sick of being told to run away by him," she pointed to Van Helsing. "and I sure as hell won't take it from you!" she said, walking right back to him. "What are you going to do? Tear me apart? Go ahead and make my decade." she put her hands on her hips and waited for him to move. It was fairly obvious she was just distracting him, but it would buy alittle time at least.
yez you iz ;)
i know, sooo important right?
soo much better than calc and physics. hey did you know if you stick a gram cracker in liquid nitrogen and then put it in your mouth and roll it...
Slightly nodded solemly. "Sure, someone get something to blind fold them with, just in case. Or at least him anyways," he added, looking down at Rebecca. "She's asleep anyways." he used the word 'asleep' since he was afraid she'd been actually hurt. This fear was shoved off and he took charge easily. Putting a hand on Tootles head casually, as he'd seen the expression on his friend's face, he went on ordering. "Tootles and the twins, you guys carry her. Just put your hand on someone's shoulders, David." someone had produced a blind fold and Slightly threw it roughly around David's head, tying it tightly so he couldn't see a thing.
ooh that sounds yummy!
"Oy, cease fire!" Slightly yelled at the others as he stood up out of the bushes. He looked from David to Tink in confusion. "Hey there. You must be the boy Peter brought here. I'm Slightly, second in command." he approched David, scowling at his night clothes and his clean apperance, but then grinning at him in greeting "Why are you protecting the flying creature?" he asked, peeking past David at Rebecca. "Tink said...." his voice trailed off. Something in Rebecca's unconcious face made Wendy's face flash in his face. "Tink said it'd chased you here..." he sounded a lot less sure all of a sudden. "Tink, that's true right?" the look he gave the fairy was the worried and confused expression of a boy who knows he has done something wrong.