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  1. Princess_of_hearts
    OOC: oh yummy ;)

    BIC: Rebecca throught about it as they ran around looking for anything. "I don't know. I guess we just do it." she answered simply. "If nothing else we can explore. Maybe we'll find the mermaids and indians!" she took hold of his hand and pulled him along because he was going too slow for her tastes, she wanted to fly (practicly)!
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Mar 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Princess_of_hearts
    OOC: i'm sure she did *hint hint read it now hint hint* :)

    BIC: "Knowing Peter, probably something that's going to make the pirates mad." Slightly laughed, "I think he must have hid it this way, let's walk quietly so the Indians don't find us." he whispered the last part with a sly grin. The Indians were fun to be with, execpt when they were hunting\being hunted; then they were fun to hide from. "I wonder if David and Rebecca will get lost..." he wondered aloud, not even very worried.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Mar 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Princess_of_hearts
    Haruhi frowned a little, unsure how to deal with this sort of thing. Hiromi was right, but the problem had never seemed like a problem at all before. "Well," she began, shaking off the frown. "I don't know much about everyone yet, but from what I can tell Mori and Hunny stick together througout the day. And Tamaki and Kyouya, well they don't seem upset over being single, but I'm sure they'd be happy to tell you if you asked. I'm happy too." she tried to answer in a way that would satisfy Hiromi but she doubted it would work that way.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Mar 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Princess_of_hearts
    OOC: awww you two are so cuuUUuute (that was high pitched okey? :P )

    BIC: Rebbeca returned David's smile with a grin. "No way do we lose to anyone!" she announced already running out to find the hidden treasure. "Come on David, let's show them how good at being Lost Boys we are." she saw the other boys running off in random directions so she directed David and her own path in the opposite way. Her long night gown flipped around her ankles as she ran, reminding her to make something else to wear later.

    Slightly waved to Cubby to follow him. "We gotta find it first." he said, lightly. Being second in command, he knew Peter very well and had a feeling of the direction, if not exactly the place, the treasure was hidden.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Mar 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Princess_of_hearts
  6. Princess_of_hearts
    "Oh let's play a game!" Rebecca brought her hands together excitedly. "And explore!" she added, looking at David again for agreement. She was in full excitment mode now, barely able to tell what she was more excited for, seeing all of Neverland or being with Peter and the Lost boys. She wondered if they would even be made Lost Boys too (well Lost Boy and Girl, but she liked the sound of Lost Boys more)
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Mar 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Princess_of_hearts
    Haruhi smiled at her other guests, ignoring Tamaki's gestures, but looked back at Hiromi more seriously. She couldn't tell where the converastion was headed but she had to tred carefully. Plus the question hit her a little harder than she thought it would but she kept a neutral expression. "I don't think so. My father cares for me and makes sure I'm not lonely. Why are you so curious about this anyways? Hiromi, are you lonely?" she asked, a sincere concern on her face.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Mar 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Princess_of_hearts
    Haruhi looked at Hiromi, stunned. She stalled briefly by taking a sip of her tea so she could think over the answer. Should she say no and risk someone trying to date her or say yes and lie? "No, I don't." haruhi answered slowly. "is there a reason why you ask?" she glanced at Tamaki and raised an eye brow at his blatant staring.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Mar 23, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Princess_of_hearts
    "Games?" Rebecca asked, her ears practicly perking at the sound of the word. She hadn't played a real game in far too long. All that reading and sewing and being a good little girl, she was ready for a real game. "What sort of games?"
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Mar 23, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Princess_of_hearts
    Profile Post

    ooookay :D

    ooookay :D
    Profile Post by Princess_of_hearts for Dman23, Mar 23, 2010
  11. Princess_of_hearts
    "Oh, well that's alright." Haruhi smiled back at her, glad to see Himori at least looking up. "Usually the ladies that come to visit us designate a specific host but I think it's very nice, as well, to spend time with all of us." she looked at her other guests to see how they were doing and found them all smiling and happy to listen to this girl who didn't have a host choosen yet.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Mar 23, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Princess_of_hearts
    OOC: hey i just saw hannah's comment. lol you posted after dying? COOL!

    BIC: Slightly winced alittle at Peter's tone but looked Peter in the eyes. "Yes Peter, I gave the order." he answered honestly and very bravely too, he thought.

    Rebecca tapped her bottom lip with her pointer finger thoughtfully. Hearing the explaination she was more exasperated with the jealous pixie then the boys. "Peter, you aren't mad at him are you?" she asked, also noting Peter's disapointment. "I mean it isn't really his fault... no not really, is it Slightly? You and the other Lost Boys, why, you've all just got to learn how to tell a girl from a monster. Right David?" she prodded his leg with her foot.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Mar 23, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Princess_of_hearts
    Haruhi could tell there was somethign hiding in Hiromi's voice and face but she just smiled back, knowing some things were private. "That's lovely to hear. I'm so glad you've come to the club today, i've never had the chance to speak with you before." she explained, honestly. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Tamaki childishly peeking over the back of his seat at her table.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Mar 22, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Princess_of_hearts
    Rebecca laughed at the boy's antics and then winced at her headache. "I am not delicate. she stated, her chin held up high and stubborn before seeing Nib's adorable expression and sofening. "But thank you for thinking of it. What exactly happened. Wait you all were firing on us! What gives?"

    Slightly bit his lip and avoided Peter's eyes. He and the other boys had forgotten all about that little problem.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Mar 22, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Princess_of_hearts
    "Hello Hiromi." Haruhi greeted the girl, standing up like a gentleman while she sat down. "How is your day going?" for once the guests around her were quiet as they waited for the host hopper to speak. Being Haruhi's usuals they didn't know Hiromi well and were curious to see what kind of girl she was.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Mar 22, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Princess_of_hearts
    Slightly turned to David after everyone else had sounded off as Peter ordered. "Well sound off." he instructed, forgetting that David didn't know the rules and that techinacally he wasn't a lost boy yet, just in theory.

    Rebecca's mouth had dropped and she looked around, still rubbing her brusied head. "oh my gosh David we're in their hide out!" she stated the obvious, being alittle behind the times now.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Mar 22, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Princess_of_hearts
  18. Princess_of_hearts
  19. Princess_of_hearts
    OOC: sounds like a plan. this thread gets better and better every post :)

    BIC: Haruhi noticed a girl entering the club room while her guests talked. Hiromi Asahi was her name, wasn't it? Yes that's it, she was famous for not designating a single host. Haruhi felt bad for the young woman who came in with a frown or veiled sadness. Seeing Hiromi was on the verge of leaving, she waved to her.

    Hunny was still busy with cake, although he had long since lost count of how much. he also noticed Hiromi and was glad to see Haruhi waving. He always worked hard to cheer her up but Hiromi seemed the most upset when she designated him.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Mar 22, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Princess_of_hearts
    Haruhi watched the twins speak like she was watching a tennis match. Hikaru, Kaoru, Hikaru, Kaoru; it was nearly as dizzying as being spun by Tamaki. But once they were gone she took the twin's advice and hurried to her own guests. Whatever the twins had to say to Tamaki wasn't her buisness, paying off this debt was. She greeted her guests with her natural smile and listened kindly to their chatter and squeals over the hosts' behavoirs and the school day.
    Post by: Princess_of_hearts, Mar 21, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home