Rebecca frowned slightly. She knew Peter thought it was a good idea but to be honest, she wasn't sure if she trusted Tink. The fairy tried to kill her after all. She noticed Fawn seemed excited though and this fairy seemed more friendly. So she walked up to Tink. "You could always teach David." she suggested; Tink obviously liked her friend. "And Fawn can teach me." she added, smiling at the second fairy.
Rebecca looked from Tootles to Peter to the fairies. "What idea?" she asked, confused. Slightly grinned, seeing the idea. "yeah! that's great Tootles!"
Rebecca waited a second with baited breath but realized that Peter didnt' know what the prize was. She giggled and jabbed David in the ribs, thinking he would see that too. Slightly stared at Peter, waiting, "Hey Peter, maybe their prize can be becoming Lost Boy and Lost Girl?" he suggested
The traces of a frown disapeared to be replaced with her usual slight smile. "Thanks. I'll see you all tomorrow." she waved to them and quickly headed out of the grand school to her apartment. Walking down the halls, she mentally listed her homework for the night and thought of the ingerdients in the house for what she could make dinner from. Her thoughts being else where, she nearly passed the twins entirely without notice. Luckily she caught their voices and stopped to thank them. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Hiromi walking home. She really does seem lonely, maybe I can catch up to her on the way home.
Haruhi took several steps away from Tamaki incase he pounced again. She was about to thank the twins when they cut her off and she settled on a simple nod to indicate she would thank them later. "No, Tamaki, I don't devise any plans in class. Do you need any help cleaning up before I go home?" her thoughts had turned to thanking the twins before going home to do her large amount of homework and cook dinner for her father, this is, if he wasn't too late. A slight frown crossed her lips, He works too hard sometimes...
"oof!" Haruhi had all the breath knocked out of her as he hugged her with unreal strength. She pushed at his arms, trying to pry him off of her. This couldn't become a daily activity, she'd get bruised lungs!
Slightly smiled at Cubby. "Don't worry about it, we'll win next time. And this means they can probably be Lost Boys and Girls." he clapped Cubby on the back and the two ran back to the Hide out. Rebecca ran past Peter to drag David over to see it to. "We won, we won!" she said, grabbing his hands and jumping up and down. "Good thing you wanted to come back here!"
Haruhi stood up as the girls left her table and said a polite good bye to them each. She was more curious about Hiromi's questions than anything, but until the girls left she played her 'natural host' role. Hunny hugged each girl, sending them into squeals of delight before they left. "Come back tomorrow for more cake!" he said, waving his bunny's paw good bye at them.
Rebecca bit the inside of her cheek in thought. "If i was you and you were me then i would hide it where you wouldn't think to look..." she thought aloud, almost in a sing song voice. "And if I was hiding it where you wouldn't look, I would put it..." she trailed off remember her first thoughts when Peter appeared in her room about it being inappropriate. But that wasn't her thinking like a Lost Boy, that was thinking like her father. "In my room!" she clapped her hands at this and ran off to Peter's room, ignoring any thought of private rooms.
Rebecca laughed at Peter's words. "No David, don't give up! Now we know what it is, come on, Hook's a pirate, which means it's gold and probably in a chest. We can find it no problem." she shook on of his shoulders, trying to get her friend to play along.
"Hm, this is difficult." Rebecca mumbled. She walked up to Peter and gave him a skeptical look. "Did you really hid anything?" she asked, just to make sure he wasn't playing a trick on them. Slightly gave Cubby a high five. "Yes! Let's go!" he ran off with Cubby following, neither of the boys remembering to say Thank you.
Rebecca stood in the middle of the room of the room and turned around slowly for anything she'd missed. "Well it's not here." she sighed. "is there anywhere else in the hideout?" Slightly tapped his foot impatiently. "No fair, you've got to tell us or we'll lose!" The second in command tried explaining
"Uh, we don't know." Slightly admitted. "We were hoping you saw Peter hiding something." he nudged Cubby so he would stop letting his jaw hang open. Rebecca hunted around. "What is the treasure anyways?" she asked, looking under and over everything she could spot.
"Them!" Slightly yelled an answer to Cubby, seeing the fairies who'd run into them. "Hey Tink. We're playing a game and wondered if either of you two had seen any treasure hidden around here?" he grinned at the two, apprently forgetting Tink's temper. "So David's right!" Rebecca summed up, from Peter's reaction. "It must be in here, that's ever so clever, let's look!" she immediatly began walking around the room for any clues.
Rebecca started at his voice. "oh so are you. Does that mean someone found the treasure?" she asked, looking around for the invisible winner. Slightly grinned and the two ran off to find their fairy friends. He would have just found Tink but since she was being mad at Peter they had to ask someone else.
Rebecca nodded slowly, mulling over his words. "I guess that makes sense. You always are thinking with your head, David." she laughed lightly, tapping his forehead. "At least one of us does." she added as they returned to Lost Boy's hide out. "How long do you think the others will take to come back?"
Rebecca looked around their path and up to the sky before answering. "I love it! It's better than I ever imagined." she finally replied. "No adults, no girls, no rules. And everything is new to us." she cocked her head to the side to look at David, "Do you like it?" she looked at him earnestly while asking, sensing in her long time friend that he was worried, even if it was only over getting lose.
OOC: no way where? BIC: Rebecca stopped running and gave David a disapointed look. "Okay..." she agreed reluctantly. Now that David had interupted her gabbering, she could see he was right. Not that Peter wouldn't find them if they were lost but she had a feeling he might get distracted for a few hours first. "well let's get back there." her disapointment gave way to her smile that she'd been wearing ever since getting to neverland.
OOC: that was a sexy laugh! haha. so mrsbaggins, shall we make a break for the treasure or where shall we go? BIC: Rebecca, on the other hand, was having the time of her life. She didn't have a doubt about finding the treasure, even though it was very unlikely they would win. She continued running and chattering to David without paying attention to her words. Slightly hunted around with Cubby for awhile in the woods but never found a thing. "maybe we should ask the faries?" he suggested to cubby.
ha, win! laughter makes up for terrible nicknames :D