Grace looked around at the other two in the room "shouldn't we get sakura and me a room?" she asked innocnetly
Grace waved her hands in front of her in a 'no no no!' motion. 'i'm just kidding! of course we'll have it again, just not so much." she smiled impishly at Sakura. "your system likes it too much."
Grace watched Sakura practicly bounce off the walls, and winced at the high pitch laugh. "never again." she giggled, "sugar is offlimits." she teased.
Grace smiled at him brightly despite his tone. "Lighten up Lucca... please?" she added the please kindly as she stepped though the door. "oh wow this place is so weird!" she cried out as her eyes survayed the room.
OOC: woah, what are these words? BIC: Grace smiled at the siblings. "I think being around humans so long has blunted your imgination Lucca." she lightly teased him.
OOC: ah, now i'm lost too, sorry. can some lovely ladies who understand the plot explain what just happened please?
hey, idk if i have the right person or if you'll ever be online but hi anyways ^^
cool, i'll have to look them up. i actually just heard them on the radio, i don't have any new music by anyone haha,
oh that's hard... i guess at this exact moment i'm in love with the song Kennedy by Kill Hannah. but then again that song Fireflies by Owl City is...
OOC: *mutters curses under her breath* nope! tell me bout it! BIC: "so SAMERIEL." Gemini spoke up after a few hours of silence and walking. "We should be back with the others in an hour or so, their scent is getting stronger." she watched the princess's expression.
OOC: she (ms fluer) speaks as if phones do not exist ;P
OOC: now you post?! *falls over* holy moofish, you make me crazy woman *wait for recap from hannah ;)* BIC: After miraculesly saving the childs, Gemini and Sameriel made their way back to the group. Gemini skipped along backwards, wishing she could pick up the princess and run.
all sorts. execpt contry, blue grass, and rap. mostly forms of rock or trance
OOC: i shall! i hate waiting, it's killing me. i'm going to ditch the princess! (well... kinda not)
ooc: arg, logging onto this site is boring lately >.<
O.O but but why?!
yeah, i don't really need anythign else but color guard killed my back lol :)
eh, idk. my parents are getting me a massage and that's all i really wanted :)
=) i'm thankful that has never changed for either of us.
Booga booga! :glomp: just alittle attack on thanksgiving