I grew up in a mostly welsh town, but the town next door (like minutes away) is entirely Italian. Let me tell you (not literally you, the people who don't know this) you will not find a group of people more proud of their traditions with food. It is because of this that such mastery of the cuisine has become readily available for people to consume at their leisure. I am all for mixing up certain types of food. Fusion, when done right, can be quite good. That said, you don't mess with the foundation, ever.
Thinking of you wherever you are We pray for these screen shots to end, and hope that our hearts will blend. Now I will step forward to realize this wish. And who knows: starting a new obsession may not be so hard or maybe it has already begun. There are many images, but they share the same folder- one folder, one destiny.
In ctrl+c we trust
They see me trollin They cappin Patrolling they tryin to cap me dirty
I've caught you red handed, you'll be hearing from my lawyer.
Technically yes Gordon Ramsay's 16 Michelin stars disagree I mean if you like bad camera control (non remake) Are bad Correct Also Correct I sorta do, but cherry coke is better so you're probably right Me either I love it when dark boys screenshot me
thicc cut boi-0
Updated post with better scans. Cheers!
Hype as fuck, let's do this. These are some from my playlist during my vacation: Spoiler Tried to make the list somewhat diverse, but not gonna lie listened to a metric fuckton of Slaves and Dance Gavin Dance. Sprinkle in some dream theater and my usual jams and hazah, you have a somewhat decent playlist to either rock your fucking face off or chill. Sometimes both, don't ask how that works.
Roses are red, Trigger is teal Nobody can understand the pain that I feel.
These are ugly as sin.
For ****ing real. You were great to talk to
It's about time
Everything considered, this seems like a solid idea. Would like to hear from staff/any other users that have an opinion on the subject. +1 from me so far though.
I never said anything about the pros vs cons of the originals vs the ports. I was talking about how since its been YEARS since the ps2 was current, activity on here is naturally going to go down. This is far from what I would consider to be "a lot". People still do it, sure, but I was saying the likelihood of him getting a response the way they were handled 5-8 years ago (random range) is almost impossible.
The Code Vault is relatively dead since not many people are even playing the original PS2 KH games (emulated or not), fact of the matter is, replies were never a rule/requirement in these threads in the first place. By searching the OP and throughout the SEVERAL documented threads, there is a very large amount of information available at your finger tips. Unfortunately if somebody doesn't reply to you, your options are to discuss your questions with people privately (without spamming) or to just wait it out. If you continue to spam, we'll have to take action. Consider this your warning.
You always seem to show a degree of grace and kindness which I respect quite highly. Day isn't bad so far. My mom loves baking and she's absurdly healthy. So she sometimes makes weird mixtures of healthy and dessert. One thing she's made was black bean brownies. You can't taste it after its baked and makes it a bit cakey in terms of texture. It's delicious and healthy. But at face value when I first was told about it I was like wtf. Super good tho. Control over time/space has always been something I desire. I don't really care for destruction but control seems sweet. Seagull believe it or not. I like birds and love the ocean. They are also trolls. Win win for me lol. If I can take my girlfriend? Sure. Probably, Harry Potter universe sounds sweet. I am far from normal, probably. Not sure tbh. Flying is terrifying. Really really don't like flying. Passionate. Jazz hands. Doesn't take anyone's ****, great sense of humor, and kind. Glad to see you around still. Soon ™
I have taken my shirt off in front of the girl I like, so that one, lol. Always thought you were an awesome dude from the start. We'd talk about whatever, **** talk each other on xbox live messages, and in general get along. You're still an awesome dude and its great to see you around man. In terms of songs I've learned that I could play like, live on drums that's an entirely different question. I suppose Beast and the Harlot is the hardest song I've played front to back without mistakes. I probably couldn't do that now though, its been years. I have dicked around with Dream Theater songs too but my accuracy wasn't good enough to play it live without seeming like I didn't know the song(s) entirely. Beast and the Harlot was hard due to the endurance of it and having the solo in the middle always made it harder to finish. Over 12 years of classical music training, jazz, among other things. I prefer written music more than tabs. When you were young is fantastic live.