For speed runs I recommend taco bell. You'll be running the sickest routes in no time. Good luck brother, one love. Vape Nation.
The correct choice.
Pff look at disgae
In the age of HD remakes happening like every other day, it wouldn't be that far fetched to at the very least see a P3-P4 release on PS4.
Phone posting is serious business.
Persona 5: Futaba I really resonated with her. Above all that it was just incredible to watch her grow and become a vital resource to the team as a friend and as a phantom thief. Its like when Spoiler Ryuji redeemed his bad leg and saved the team . Its the inner growth and the application of that growth in the missions that really make persona special to me. That and her dungeon was just INSANE. Sucked me in from the start (lol @ the desert bus cutscene tho) and despite it being stupidly early in the morning when I played it, I had to continue until I finished it. Best character. Don't call the cops, that aint my thing. Persona 4: Chie Chie's personality is electric to me. Is it over the top? Yes. Is it cheesy sometimes? Yes. With that said, none of that really matters when you have one of the early characters that you meet become such a wonderful friend to the protag. This opens up even more if you choose to date Chie as you get a bit of her sensitive side which is really nice to see. Also helps that I love the color green, enjoy meat, and talk way too much. Best character. Best girl. Persona 3: Mitsuru is fucking hype but god damn it. Yukari. Maybe I have a thing for girls you meet early in these games, but wow is Yukari just fantastic. There's a complexity there along with a series of personality types that just resonate with me. I like how sharp she can be, I truthfully enjoy the sass, and when she shows her caring side its just like wow this character is fantastic. Should mention her design and style is also like, killer. Love love love it. Best character. Best girl.
Enjoy it when you get to it, I hope you haven't spoiled yourself about that part. I mean even if you did, try not to think about it because that social link is fantastic. Be sure to either post your thoughts when you get there or tell me about it.
IGNORING FUTABA'S SOCIAL LINK? Not only is it like, my fav and is super rewarding to see her grow. The bonuses you get for the battle stuff is a life saver. Big time.
>fav characters No Futaba? No Chie? Speaking of Persona music I am unashmed to be as hyped as I am for the Persona 3&5 music games. Dancing All Night was pretty damn fun as far as the arcade mode is concerned. That said I'm biased because rhythm games are some of my favorite types of games.
No, not really. Over the years seagate has had the reputation of having slightly higher failure rates. It's been like this since I started building computers so 7~ years. I can only speak from experience.
Seagates across the board have a higher failure rate from what I've read and personally experienced. You might get lucky, you might not.
The best game? To me that requires the complete package. While you won't hear me say anything but good things about how heart wrenching Persona 3 can be, and how easy it easy to go with the flow in Persona 4, Persona 5 to me is the complete package. The team and social links feel more believable in terms of bonds made and communication/interaction. There is also something fantastic to be said about just how easy Persona 5 has made it for you to just get lost in the world (not literally, like enthralled). From the story lines, maps, overworld, animations, music, writing. It's all there and more. I am hard pressed to believe I'll find a game I'll enjoy more than Persona 5 for a very very long time. That said all three games listed have their strengths. For example Chie is still one of my favorite characters of all time. Her growth and personality are just infectious for me, I love it. Then there's Persona 3 and man somebody musta been chopping some maaaaad onions when I played that game. Hoo Boy. Random special shout outs that aren't exactly organized but I still think are valid to bring up. Sojiro is hands down one of the best caretaker type characters in any game, let alone the persona series. The new battle menus are the bee's knees A modern mix of Jazz and random Japanese stuff will always be a sweet mix to me. I want more. Mona made me realize how annoying Teddie was to me. They keep making the characters and their struggles more and more human, and I am in freaking love with that All in all this was the greatest gaming experience I've ever had and honestly ever expect to have, and that is perfectly fine. Thank you Atlus.
The Canucks don't give fucks.