*walks back in* hiya again, CRAB? i have never tasted crab.
Played By- true darkness Name- Kaori Age- 17 Gender- female Appearance- Bio- Kaori was orpaned at a young age because of her parent had disappeared into the night, one night when she was walking down back 'home' she suddenly blacked out and when she woke up, she was is in some science lab, her wings straped to her back. After some help with a scientist she mangaed to escape. Weapon- Other- she has the power over lightning.
Hiya!! *hugs* what you up to?
*hangs around the cookie jar* yeah?
"and why are we here?" Irxa asked.
is it to late to join?
Hi brother! i hope you pass your grades and i hope mum gets well soon!
Irxa sighed, and removed the bandanna. She clenched her fist and said, "how could Esal make such foul stuff?" She asked. Kobal and Esal arrived at the HQ, He looked down at Esal who seemed out cold, Kobal shook his head and walked in.
erm... someone who stalks people.
"sorry," Kobal said and he slung one of Esal's arms around his neck and helped him walk back.
lol, okay!! PEOPLE JOIN THE RP!!
a sinner!! YAY!!
lol, *hugs sis* good night everyone!! me got to go to bed >.<
the devil! MUHAHAHA!!
lol, yep! i'm going as a vampire gothish girl! sorry i had to write in black! XD
yeah, *kills first pic* thank though.
You will become *looks through crystal ball* OMG the next prime minister! O.o *runs away*
lol, i hated drawing Cloud, i kept going wrong so i was quick to finish it.
i drew some pictures when i was bored, and i wondered what you think of them, CnC please!! Cloud: (cloud looks wierd in that pic >.<) that is my worst drawing i think, DIE!!:guns: Sephy: some kingfisher: (lol it's feet went wrong)
lol, i hate it, i haven't been writing that much you see, so my handwriting got worse, anyways i think i did something wrong with my kingfisher pic, but i don't know what, i'll ask the people on KHV lol