i had a bet with my friend, and i lost it >.< don't ask why please.
OOC: sorry i haven't been on, i was on a bet with my friend. whats been happening?
HIYA!! i lost the bet >.< but never mind!
*watches KXR and cloud.* bro, remember Xemnas isn't in a good mood, i kinda poked him to many times. *flaskback* HIYA XEMNAS!! *pokes* lol *pokes even more* :rofl: *pokes with laughter* Xemnas: will you cut it out? *pokes with knives* ou-oh *runs away*
*walks in again* hiya again, *tosses cookies* lol have a cookie! *pulls out throwing knives* oh a fight!! *pulls on gloves*
*walks in and hugs everyone* hiya people!
thanks *munches on cookie/s* stop me oouu oouu stop me, stop me if you think you heard this one before, stop me, i said stop me, stop me if you think you heard this one before, nothings changed i still love you, oh i still love you, only slightly, only slightly.... *starts humming the rest of the song.*
and biscuits, :'( you made me hungry now >.<
my mum thinks there is such things as ghosts, since there isn't enough proof so that means there isn't any ghosts.
cool! its good for doing it at that time of hour, my poor eyes! looking at that pic while in a black out hurts.
lol, i'm glad you like it, that is appearently how you see stuff when you're drunk. my friend said that too!!
i would be using Roxas, Axel and Saix. Roxas: why? becasue you can't leave out one of the main charaters, they have to get their pwnage time as well. Axel: why? 'cos he is awsome, who wouldn't want to play with fire? Saix: why? because i love the moon!!!
Ghosts don't exist, if they do then so do aliens, werwolves, vampired, witches, angels, the devil, god and etc. result: GHOSTS DO NOT EXIST
i don't think i will, its to much of a hassle.
OOC: i don't know if i should have a second charater.
i think mum did, lol
okay! hiya people!
watch the home alone movie?
"we had a fight, with mace, i dunno what happened to Esal but he is going to bleed to death if we carry on talking here." Kobal said quickly. "well i did but the hunters found it." Irxa said