Played By: true darkness Name: kaori Age: looks 17 but really 21 Gender: female History: Many years she has been traveling with her spirit by her side, until she came back to the city to find that the humans had started to become powerful, and was close friends with the leaders. Appearence: Appearence when combied with spirit: Spirit: grey wolf name: kei gander: male Spirit's appearence: Spirit's powers: has the power over darkness and light
Everything what coco said, and i wouldn't have the shoulders so broad next time, except for that its okay.
Name: Kaori Age: 16 Gender: female Element: fire History: Ever since a her brother went away to become stronger than her eldest brother, Kaori decided to learn to fight and soon learnt that she can use fire, the rest of her clan always doubted and looked down on her because they were supposed to be a water clan. A few years later when she turned 13, she went travelling and learn to surpass the clan's water vending. Description: OOC: sorry i'm kinda going to take my OC into the japanese style.
*walks in* right... how did you get on to this subject? i offcialy don't like fireworks >.<
lol!! hiya everyone!! i'm back!!! lol
YAY! nighty night sis! *hugs back* *and also sucks on icecream*
*walks in* so how are my family peeps? is there another comp? *looks at Demitryx* can i have a icecream please??? *puppy eyes*
"only Garret (i think that is his name) no one else." Saffon sighed, "may i ask something? how does you're bankai's poison work?" She asked cursiously.
Ayama sat on the wall, shaking like hell, "Sulon where are you?" she muttered as she stared down at her shaking hand. Ayama looked up and saw the sun was setting, "god i would hate to fight brother during the night." She clenched her fist to try and stop shaking, "is this after effects?" she ask herself. Please Sulon don't start fight Tsuda during the night, death is most likely going to be your future if you do, She thought. "i would probably trying to kill you if i wasn't" Saffon said rolling her eyes.
what have you brcome brother? Ayama thought with a sigh, Slowly got up wincing in pain. A member of 11 squad came running pass, "oi! don't go after him, he'll just kill you." she shouted then again winced, the guy stopped and looked at her, "what happened," he asked, "no time for Q&A, i need to get to the 4th squad quickly!" She shouted at him, he nodded and headed back to the 4th squad's area, after a few minutes there were there after 10 minutes of explaining Ayama was tended to. Saffon stepped out of the shadows behind Tsuda, She clapped twice and said, "nice, i saw the last bit of your battle, with that girl."
Ayama looked at Abisegeri and saw that the tail was in fact a fraction apart. "you have changed, brother." she said faintly, so this is my deathbed? she thought to herself. After a few minutes her vision became blurry, she felt dizzy and her muscles went completely numb, she dropped both katanas which turned back to normal. Before she knew it she was on the floor, staring at Tsuda's feet, a trickle of blood ran down her face like a tear.
"well i hope, your little demon likes water becaue that is the only thing it is going to get," Ayama said as she tilted her head so the light would reflect off the layer of ice which had formed around her neck, "haven't you realised that it has suddenly got colder?" Abisegeri had bit into the ice and the ice had formed a coat around Abisegeri, She slashed at Abisegeri at a bit which hadn't been covered in ice and then jumped back. "what do you think i have been doing while was we was talking?" She asked.
Ayama wiped the blood off her face and shook her head, "no, why would i act as my idiotic brother?" She swung her katana around, she made sure that the sunlight was hitting her back. Ayama got back into batte stance, she pointed one of her katanas at Tsuda and the other at the shadows, "your move." she said,
Ayama slammed against the wall, and slid to the floor, "is that so?" she stood up, blood trickling down the side of her face. She stared at him, "you act so high and mighty when you have already been crushed." she said.
OOC: what is that? BIC: Ayama just stood there as the gargoyle claw her, she knew that Tsuda would never understand, "no." she whispered.
Ayama stood there staring down at the ground "but- but i did." She was afraid of what her brother had turned into, She faltered even more, all the memories came flooding back, "no..." she whispered, Ayama shook her head and look up straight into Tsuda's eyes. "no... they loved you." Her hands lossened around the hilts of the two katanas. OOC: this reminds me of sasuke and itachi from naruto, lol, i won't be on that much this week because my laptop has got a trojan virsus so my internet is buggered up. Saffon jumped down from the house and landed on a shed, she looked around her before heading down a alleyway.
Ayama blocked most of the attacks with her katanas but she missed a few, so her arms had a few cuts on her arms, then ran up to him with sudden speed and jumped up slashed at his neck, "no." she whispered as she passed his ear, She landed right behind Tsuda, back to back, "you promised me that you wouldn't" Ayama whispered, she knew that Tsuda would understand what she was talking about. "but why?" OOC: about the 'but why' bit, she is talking about why did tsuda kill their parents.
Ayama used flash step to get right beside Tsuda, Quickly she brought up a katana and above his cheekbone. Then jumped back, she touched her bleeding cheek and put some blood onto one of her katanas, he is so like father Ayama thought.
She side stepped him and drawed her Zanpakuto, "Takeo, welcome back." Ayama's Zanpakuto glowed blue then spilt into two blue Katanas, She stood two metres away from Tsuda with one sword held out in front of her and the other held slightly above her head both pointing for Tsuda's chest. OOC: Amaya's theme song is linkin park- in the end
"well i wouldn't be a good Shingami if i didn't, would i?" Ayama said as she got into a battle stance, "but i wouldn't be a good member of our family if i didn't let the elder go first." She rested her hand on the hilt of the Zanpakuto ready to draw for defence. "i suppose you still use our family's style of fghting?" She asked. OOC: lets just say their parents are dead, if you want to make that your charater killed them, thats okay with me.