"come on, we should go and find one of the leaders," Kaori smiled, but in her mind she thought, if they haven't been killed already. "Its usefull to learn, anyways have ya got a place in mind, because i'm sick of this place." Jiro sighed.
Kaori cupped her hands together and started a small flame to warm her hands up as she watched rachel, a small smile appeared on kaori's face.
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hi, read the rules, have fun, and don't get banned!!
Kaori grinned, "as they say pratice makes prefect." Jiro rised an eyebrow, "oh? you can defend yourself again one or more tamers?" he asked. OOC: got to go to bed night
Kaori laughed, "my name is kaori, you know this is kei," She patted him on the back "his elements is light and darkness, how long can you stay in the transformed stae?" She asked. "nice firm handshake but can you fight?" Jiro asked, wondering if Corin could make it as a assassin.
Jiro grinned, "you got some guts kid," he jumped off the wall and landed in front of Corin, he stuck his hand out, "ma name is Jiro, top ranked assassin of the assassin league." he said bluntly. Kaori nodded, "which element does the spirit have?" she asked, "have you transformed yet?" she keeping a mental note of all the infomation, well it was her job.
Kei grinned, "i'm one of the three major leader of the wolf spirits, you better not mess with me or Kaori." Kaori sighed, "now we have got that out of the way, i need to ask you some questions." Jiro grinned and looked at Corin, "don't try lieing to me, i know the difference between a lie and the truth," Something clicked in his mind and he pulled out a bit of the news paper, "ah, you're that missing kid from the orphanege aren't you? news goes around fast. Kaori grinned and asked, "where did you find your spirit?" OOC: i might go to bed soon i'm shaking all over.
"woah, there cub." Kei growled, "do you know who i am?" Kaori rolled her eye, and let kei talk. "where you heading?" Jiro asked and laided back down, he is no tamer he thought.
Although jiro was humming he could hear Corin, lazily he threw a poisoned needle (like the needles in naruto) right in front of Corin's right foot, "come any closer and your dead, what is your reason to be here?" He asked harshly. Kaori rested her hand on Kei's head who suddenly growled, "calm down Kei," Kaori turned to anna, "you're a tamer too?" she asked as she bent over erin, "he's a bit on the small side, isn't he?" she asked Anna.
Kaori glanced down and sensed the presense of someone else, She jumped down right in front of Anna, "what is your duty here?" she asked, Kei jumped down and stood at full height; his head was up to kaori's shoulder, she glanced down and saw erin, Kaori grinned and relaxed. Jiro started humming to himself, still thinking.
Jiro laid on the top of a wall, thinking up of a new poison. "if i mix that with goetuion acid... no that won't work, god this is difficult." he muttered to himself. "why?" Kei asked, he rolled his eyes and looked at kaori straight in the eye, "because i hate waiting, just doing nothing drives me crazy." Kaori laughed and laied back against the tree.
hiya, post loads, read the rules and have fun!!
OOC: i'll add a human Played by: true darkness Name: jiro Age: 22 Gender: male Job: assassin Specicalize: poisons History: he was taken in by the assassin league when he was a young boy, he was told that he had it in him. Jiro learnt how to kill quickly and easily without making a noise also he learnt about many poisons Appearence: Other: Kaori sat in a tree gazing up into the sky, while kei sat beside her "this is boring, can we please go somewhere?" he asked, his voice sounded cold and deep, "why are you in such a rush all the time, kei? answer that question for me."
kaori glanced around "well this is boring." She sipped the glass of water she had ordered and sat at the bar thingy-ma-bob.
hi, welcome to KHV!! i hope you have great time here, stay active, post loads and don't drink beer.
*pity..... pity* i give up
Kaori sat down in a dusty wet street, looking into the sky muttering to herself "water beats fire, fire beats earth, earth beats..." she trailed off, a random guy was staring at her. Kaori sighed, got up and walked away straight into a inn where the seeker meeting was being held, "why did i come here again?" she thought to herself.
poor RRMS, i just stopped and thought i was 12 a year ago... i kinda pity him.
thanks!! i'll how many more people until we start?