woah... calm down, kitty i like your new teddy bear!!
lol sorry my computer just died on me >.<, where was we... oh yeah!! PARTY!!!
"yeah, freedom is the best, i think." Kaori said, smiling.
erm.. we are being erm.. what that word, where you love your country so much... erm, ah forget it!! I think i'm going to say now that you are my UK sister!! WOOOH!!! PARTY!!!!
"yeah, like..." Kaori sighed and tried to remember when she was that age.
lol, Peace-and-War lives in england too!! lol, i have only found him until now!! WOOH!! WE ARE BRITZ!!!
"don't wish that, your time will come, live in the present not in the future." Kaori said then laughed "sorry my mother used to say that to me all the time.
yeah, i live in lincolnshire!! sorry i didn't know what you did.
there is nothing to be sad about, i actually came here to find the princess and learn the ways of fire so i can surpass my water clan." Kaori said and sighed.
"i was suppose to be a water vender, but fire is good, that is probably why my fire is blue." Kaori said kindly and leaned back against her chair.
i never watched death note before... it isn't in the UK yet, i don't think.
*shivers* don't kill it... please!!!
Kaori laughed, "kira, why don't you tell her?" she said as she put her hand through the candle's flame.
*screams and runs away!!* lol... i'm slightly bored...
Kaori grinned "you're a fire vender too, when did you learn to vend fire?" She asked, the candle next to her went out for the 13th time, "oh for god sake, stay on." she clicked her fingers next to the candle and it burst back into life except it was a blue flame.
okay!! thanks!! god i got to calm down >.<
Kaori smiled at kira and said, "hi kira! how are you?" then turned to rachel, "hi, you're a seeker too?" she asked kindly.
writing, or drawing? 'cos someone said writing at one point.
what the hell? *shrugs* is there going to be a contest? what is it? *screams* i don't understand!!!! *crys*
Kaori gazed at a painting, while drinking her water, should i be drinking this? she thought to self, Kaori shrugged and carried on gazing.