Just as Corin came to the end of block the needles, Jiro was already behind him with a knife against Corins throat, "dead," he whispered into his ear, Jiro remove the knife and said, "before you attck the tamer you have to make sure the spirit is out of action so the spirit can't help the tamer out by transforming together, if that happens the sitution gets bad." he grinned and said "you're good, just a bit rough around the edges but i'll smooth you out." Kaori walked into the inn and sat down, "hey barman, a two fingers of house red, please." she asked kindly, she pulled up a chair for anna, "sorry, how old are you?" she asked anna. OOC: i might not be online for the rest of the week because of my parents.
OOC: *evil grin* i'm sly as a fox, thats probably why they call me silver vixen at school >.< BIC: Kaori followed her, while she played with the flame in her hand.
WOW!! jpeg did kill it didn't it? but its really good!!
OOC: i know, i might be able to pull off this one! BIC: "lead the way, you know ash is very good for plants to grow in." Kaori said.
lol... bored *again starts floating in midair*
"We are ying and yang!! yay!" she laughed, Kaori got off her seat and asked, "where are we going anyways?" OOC: i might not be on for the rest of the week because my parents >.<
hiya!! i'm writing in Indigo instead now!!
Jiro threw his needles followed by the clone one after another, there was a split second diffrence, just enough time to block them all but when he was actually fighting their would be no diffrence. Kaori pointed at a inn and said "we are lucky, that no humans know about this inn so you can releax."
"what? every one has their own needs." Kaori said.
Jiro grinned, all of him surrounded him and pulled out purposely plain blunt needles and took aim, "ready?" he asked, Kaori shrugged and whistled for Kei, "come on, let get something to eat." she said.
"can i tag along? i'm getting bored, and i want to burn something." Kaori laughed and said "joking! before you even say it."
"hum... but how is he?" Kaori asked her, Jiro grinned, "good, good, now, have you learnt ninjutsu?" he said as he did shadow clone and created five clones of himself.
i also say riku grew but mentally wise sora didn't act as childish in KH2, so it depends on what you're talking about.
"that was kinda funny watching you run with a dress on." Kaori laughed, and played with the blue flame. OOC: kaori is wearing basicly the same as sakura but in green with a jacket like aerith's also in green.
OMG!!! i don't believe you sis!! *turns to cookie* don't read that comment cookie!! lol, JK
Since jiro was holding the walking stick in the middle he could use both ends of the stick, as he blocked the attack he lunged toward with the end going straight into Corin's stomach. "oh for god sake lynn!!" Kaori shouted, Kei went bounding after Lynn.
lol i remember that moment!! ah.. the good old days!! wait how long was that ago?
Kaori looked at kira "again???" she asked.
well, have a happy life, maybe you'll change your mind and come back :(
lol xXx don't p*ss me off, i'm running out of places to hide xXx ^ thats my message!! about places to hide... well do i have to explain???? SUGAR!!!