Nightson: Dad. you feeling ok. *looking worriedly at his father figure*
Hm... maybe if we can some how make it so that the soul peice can thrive for itself. or maybe if we can some how make it so we can put in more...
NoN:Bro our power are matching. of course your strong.
Lucas: we'd more or likely be in alot of trouble. NoN: Awe I'm sure we'd be able to of taken care of him.
NoN:*laughs* That's my brother. *wraps an arm around your neck and a half hug* yiou know that was all over the news? its a good thing you didn't get caught! It would of been embarrasing for us both.
NoN:*smirks* no. no we haven't. Lucas: I don't think I'd let her take me shopping.
NoN: Ah you know. Stuff. *grins* Lucas:*rolls his eyes* Not that type of "stuff",
NoN:*laughs a bit* seems like your brain really works. *taps your head and smiles* Lucas:*chuckles* ~suites her perfectly.~ (Lol that works really well!)
Alice: Do you think that Pandora would have some mysteries to do? Or bad guys to get!?
Akaya:*hears a sound from the roof and jumps out of the way and watches Aku and Nights fall down* I've got you now! *points her gun at you two* Axel: come on. I heard something this way! *runs towards where the other three is* Roxas: Uh. right. *follows behind*
NoN: ya still can't come up with a one word to discribe me? dude. you've had years to come up with it. Lucas: Hey Be nice NoN.
Akaya: This is true.. but hey. they're brothers. they get this sort of connection.
NoN: Yo. Bro. Still as lazy as ever?? *pokes you with my foot*
busy. o_o very. VERY busy. a pain in my ass. >.<
*ends up breaking a piece* Opps.. *sweatdrops* I hope that wasn't important... *tries to fix it again*
uhh. the roof? ohohoh! the sky!!!!! Clouds???
Yup^^ though maybe it is. Cuz my cave is just as cluttered but a bit lighter. I guess I just needed a bit of sun. :sweatdrop: damn I guess I aint...
*took the necklace apart and looking through the peices trying to peice it together again* (No. it's not. it's not even half full. but still it's...
thanks and I am^^ it was aparently something in my stepdad's house that's been making me sick. Now that I'm out of there and back in my own cave...
*works on another necklace myself* (srry. I've been- busy. In a way. I had this huge Socials project that needed to be done and now an art...