Well. then I'm clearly insane^^
hm. insanity is that dark place in the corner of your mind that's fully of spider webs evil clowns and a twisted look apon the world^^
Well I ain't tellin you! I wont so easily give up my secret of immortality. Van Goh tried it and ended up crazy.^^
uhh... :sweatdrop: I forget...
...... well of course I use the body of those of my past bloodline. they think that it is their own choices when really it is mine. *grins*
pft of course! How else would I be so young! Hohohoh! *old anime person laugh*
haha I know what you mean! I'm an awesome chipmunk when my voice gets squeeky XD
*Le gasp!* How on earth will we fill our balloons now!! Dx
Awe. it's alright. *pats your back* Science will make it up to you by defying gravity in space!
Hm.. swiss could work. it has the same color. sort of. add a touch of food coloring and it done^^ But I still aint eatin any of it. XP
We must create a fake moon to make up for our future missing moon! It shale be a family project to keep the moon in orbit!!!
Oh. saddness. :'( I like the moon. it so pretty... I'd hate for my great great great great great great great great great grandchildren to...
Oh hahaha. So very funny. *grins* Well I'm sure it'll be fun^^ I love traveling taking long plane rides and long car rides. it's part of my life^^...
Ah yes. I know that feeling:sweatdrop: Ya I did but I heard it was made out of BLUE Cheese! DX yuckies!! and uh.. uh.. Oh right! I'm going on a...
lol amazing. looks like Vexen tryin to get a failed experament to drink a potion. XD Well I am well known to be a pain in the ass^^ does that...
Lol that Gif looks amazing!! XD I know a friend who loves sience and would love that Gif! XD
lol. sure lets go! XD Yes. meetings are a drag. Doesn't help the other grades ignore me like I'm nothing. -_- I wish I could show the stuck up...
OOOh! what kinda Gif?
Ugh. meetings (part of the student council so I have to come up with dissions for some things to do with my grade and sometimes other things. It's...
lol I'm doing fine. Been busy as hell lately though. O_O and you?