lol i guess you're not the jock type. XD and other then trying to attack a wall and failing and nearly having to have both my legs removed...
NoN:*grins* getting some things that are BIG and COLORFUL! *goes up a street to an apartment building* Lucas doesn't know about this guy so keep this hush hush. Lucas:*waiting for a while* Hey Lou hurry up I've gotta go meet a few people. Lou: yaya I'm coming. you know it aint easy tryin to find what you're wanting! *a smallish guy comes out with an arm fully of explosives and dangerous outlawed fireworks* Lucas: sorry. but this is something for an important friend. *smiles* Lou: Ya mean your girlfriend right? *grins and sets the stuff onto a couch* Lucas:*blushes* N-no! Lou:*laughs* don't worry. your secret's safe with me. *winks then goes off to get the rest of the stuff*
Nightson: Woops. *blushes and covers his eyes with his hands* this better?? Akaya:*grins* Maaaybe. What you wanna watch?
Akaya:*laughs* How'd you get him in there?? NoN:*grins* a bet. You two wanna try? Sora: h-hey we never agreed on others doing it as well! NoN: Never says that they couldn't. *grins even more and hands two balls to each of the other girls*
Alice:*blushes even more* Y-ya I think you have once before.
Akaya: Th-the pain! M-make it stop! *holding her head even harder trying to serpress the pain* Roxas: *thinks for a bit* I think we're talking about two very different people here then. *charges again* ~~~~ Vexen: Where is she now?! *yells to the cowering nobody* ??: I-In the entrance. B-but it's b-bocked off! Vexen:*groans and grabs a few things* Unblock it then! We have to get to her before she remembers to much! ??:*nods and quickly runs away to do their job*
lol man sounds rough. I doubt I'd servive. o_o with my 5ft somethin height (I use to be so proud of being taller then everyone else....
Nightson:*finally catches up to Ana* Hey Ana! Akaya:*puts the dishes in the dish washer and the left overs into the fridge* There all done.
Akaya: Aku.. *gets a shot of pain in her head* ACK! *falls to the ground holding her head* Roxas:*looks at where you're pointing and gasps* y-you mean she's still alive! *shocked* ~~~~In another part of the base!~~~~ ??: Vexen! *rushes into a lab* Vexen:*trying to carefully pour something into another container but misses, he growls* What!?! ??: Uh-well. R-remember th-that girl you t-tested on earlier th-this week?? Vexen:*groans* what about her? *tries again* ??: ah w-well. *looks down* Sh-she found the k-keyword. Vexen:*drops both bottles and looks at the nobody* She. WHAT~?~ ??: *shaking* Sh-she's st-starting to remember!
NoN:*grins* something along those lines. Lucas:*comes up to and old looking house and knocks at the door*
you tried football?? that's sweet! I'd love to try football but I don't have the speed. and I'm not a big fan of physical contact either. o_o...
Sore. Gym was rough. then having to chase my sister. DX so not good for my legs.
lol good afternoon!! lol old souls club?? meh. must be older pplzz stuff. I no need any more boring meetings about witches and their toadstool...
Yo. gotta go to sleep now. ttyl!
It ussually is. well I've gotta go to sleep. talk to you tomorrow maybe.
??? HAve I ever said you're crazy?? Why'd I' be from the futur?? what's this about a withc?? Confuzzling!
ya. a bit tired. but it'll pass soon enough. how about you? you ok?
hey not bad a little stressed but alright^^. you?
hehe. nope! You're family to NoN. not me^^ ah. any ways must go back to the dark ages and try to convince Charles his wife's a witch.^^ ttyl!
lol. nope^^ tis a family secret^^ (and I'll keep that in mind^^ you and your fools gold)