v5 11cfa3fc 00000819 01cd9fd7 0000005f 21cd9fd8 45444953 21cd9fdc 00524143 00340a84 0000008a 20340ce4 00020100 8UX8-5T1D-66GQU X7RP-B3NC-GFFJU 06XA-X0TE-RRG7R TXR8-Y6M1-P0AAM H798-Y9Z4-J99QR B1P0-GTXZ-8ZU61 5X8K-W3CW-PBZ1H Weild the stick: RT2M-KFUN-A10B1 25Z3-5F9J-5YXB2 im sorry that is all i could get...
i can give you the inf hp and mp code and i will get that normal anti form code... thank you very much...really appriciate it...
hold on plz...
dont worry if you have a request if someone gets to it b4 me then it will be answered by them but if i see it then i will try my best to get you answer.
if your asking if it will work then yeah it should
oops...what place exactly were you looking for?
im glad to have helped you with your dilemma...doytashimaste, de nada, and your welcome !
ok i just tested v3 not jokered and it work perfectly for me i even have scan thats what i dont get...the only thing that your doing that is different from what im doing is actually using the shortcut commands...im using the normal command menu's limit option yep yep 0911 is rite
you can replace any keyblade with the charkrams
Jokered to R2 E001FDFF 0035B55C 1033E830 00001612 VYQ9-YF3M-H9QAY JZYP-UVEJ-FD4ZT NTHE-PKF0-QF4EU
you need to use v3 or v5 in order for it to work when you activate the code you will automatically get mulans weapon
listen...it replaces the kingdom key but the kingdom key will turn into mulans weapon...understand and no more of this arguing okay? you cant ban a mod if youre not a admin or mod...but plz no more talk of this here, thanks!
Here is the code but make sure you also have the play as roxas code on: 01CB9937 0000005F 21CB9938 5F43504E 21CB993C 414A4150 21CB9940 0053414D 588N-VB6J-PGX4W PG1D-40U4-2HVFA RD1V-8XX6-PXP5N 1RMH-VMKW-4BZFJ PVDR-JZZC-2H7DT
This is jokered to R2: KF0M-86H8-4JEWH BW5G-Y4T9-ZM1VG JXZW-7MU7-W9V8K F7XU-M49N-UKN20 QAJH-Q1RQ-RYZ0Q 2YZ0-KR96-04M0Q CK2B-B0RR-FD22U 8A8J-0KWH-EEM71 B1P0-GTXZ-8ZU61 5X8K-W3CW-PBZ1H 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7
i use v3, but v5 is the same but shorter it works just try it trust me. :) when you do comet sora doesnt even flinch rite...thats how it works with riku...he doesnt try anything becuase you dont have any special animations when you use comet or the other one
none of that is possible...the DW pj roxas worked for me but he was glitchy i dont know about the code your using...post the code your using nothin your saying is possible so stop asking...we cant play as bosses
just give donal comet and duck flare early
there is a code for early comet and duck flare, but you can use the rc but to me thats more work...trust me it will work but make sure you use it as a finisher...
you dont even have to do that you could just go to the limit command in battle and there really isnt different about them i forgot what it did last time... it will work....and you just used the code i gave you rite...just to be sure here let me give it to you again: 2B9J-111U-56KGV AGCG-AJAU-8HK2V QCRG-HNRB-R527Z what codes did you enter with this when it happened?
we cant (as in switching sora with a heartless) but we can put them in the party