tell me which one and i will convert it
it changes the animations of the model
i tested all of them dont use the codes for a drive until you have it there are forms has the best moves
what was the thing about auron in the video i didnt get it...couldnt see that well
well that was the only code i found to get the working code you have to ask erks when he comes back sorry for giving you a non working code...
here sephiroth NRU4-3V5C-NW35P YDXM-7WQB-GD03M sephiroth\goofy 2E6B-FW7H-959BA XQR0-ZC74-QU4MZ here DEGK-EF7Z-9E530 KJRA-PVMN-5GRMY DC5F-PBVV-1PX2F
wow never saw that one...i will find it 51CEFF50 00000040 01CEFED0 00000000 01CB97FF 00000004
here: Open All Worlds 202C66D0 0803FFCF 200FFF3C 3C0E0102 200FFF40 35CE0102 200FFF44 ACAE0000 200FFF48 00A0882D 200FFF4C 080B19B5 cant get wisdom form to have 2 keyblades
Follow the wind = xaldins lances (no hits with ground combos): 154B-Q5HM-M40QQ 4XWM-J9YM-59PHZ oh...thank you for the offer i'll be sure to message you if anything comes up
here: DW Roxas is in PJ's ZQG8-0833-R00T7 1HN5-E78C-42WAV X59P-C535-2163U XKB8-191R-V73DZ 9WXH-Z5PQ-040Y5
Do you happen to know if someone is working on a code rite now...
Anything goin on rite now havent been on in some time...Is there still just a riku v.5 code or is there somethin new...
cus roxas usually doesnt work when you put him in a party so if that is possible i think your theory is right...its kinda more like i trust your theory and i really want it to work
the thing is i already know about the code i was here when erkz wast hesitant about putting the code out to the public i was thinkin maybe there was a newer code :) and your theory is probably correct
oh...okay thanks.
havent been on for awhile did anything big happen or any new codes?
do you mean the one i posted...if your talking about that then yep it works perfectly for me... hold on i will try to find it...
thank you if it works for you it should work for me also! Plus i like the way he holds it...
does anyone know exactly why i cant change rikus weapon to the ultima weapon but i can change it too the oblivion...maybe its the code i typed in...hmm...
thank you for posting that his id is not in there...