yes for you first question and nope its not jokered...This floating code affects more than just anti form it affects all the if you like using wisdom form it makes it not attack making it utterly useless :)
Your not troublesome...but here is the codes Floating Keyblades VAN3-7E2U-P9F30 A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF ME6Y-CC6F-WT3GC 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN BEK4-8ZKT-49QNY 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A YNZM-RZKU-TGK1N Anti-form has oblivion equipped just have oathkeeper already equiped T2KN-KKYN-WFHPW 32NC-MRHU-9DZZM Here this gives anti form the ultima weapon, so just have the ultima weapon already equipped to normal sora ZGQB-VMQ0-P34UX FWZG-VW0C-Y1NH6 and yes wisdom form can do that too but he cant attack, but i think there is a code for it now
1. anti form can only wield 2 at the max 2. yep wisdom form can use the floating keyblades but the form is not that good with it.
what keyblade do you want him too wield?
you need Action Replay or Codebreaker you can get them at your local game store preferably gamespot.
did you mean this: Here you go! Ally Sora (Replaces Goofy) [Temp] 0B73DCAB 00000001 1B8D9B3A 00003031 1BAD9B3A 00003031 2B278967 00010003 2A231545 61726F73 2A2F1545 00000000 1AE122D0 00000029
he made sephy the main character but he had no control over him whatsoever he couldnt even move and the same thing happened with cloud when he did it
Anti-Form w/ Reactions hold L1 L2 R1 R2 Square X E00230FF 0035B55C 40340C9C 00130001 03020108 00000000 E002C0FF 0035B55C 40340C9C 00130001 03020100 00000000 20340C90 0A090964 Anti-form has oblivion equipped 10340BC4 0000002B
Ally Sora (Replaces Goofy) [Temp] EB8G-30PY-31BR1 YGVY-4ENG-VXG2G UDDB-B53N-U6DK4 Y8T3-RFUF-39WC3 K40F-DJ3P-Z6K3M 2NU6-B40G-NJNU7 0UTR-EEMY-RA5MX KCZV-T1H5-TEN91 it works and i am putting it in my vid while i play as riku
which ones i have sora ally and roxas ally... oh nvm but i still have a roxas and sora ally code if you want it
that wont work...there is like no way to get his abilities going and you dont sound stupid, if you think thats a stupid question check here often you'll see some really dumb
you need the programs zipeg or winrar to open it
go here and scroll down until you find your question: it will open a new window giving the website to download the code converting program, after that read the instructions rite below it...i mean below your question on the page i just gave you
there is a program on one of the code vault forums
you use a computer its free to get one
can someone give me the battle room mods for the saix battle?
you'll have to try it out yourself...sorry
okay thanks i'll check it out! Kingdom Key becomes Way to the Dawn 11CEF10C 00000317
when you use the ally roxas code is there anyway for you can get a full party...i want to play with the party riku, roxas, and sora
the bones are the skeleton of a model...if you can move bones you can make anything move