I think I'll be the judge and of that.
Take the pink from my name. I don't want that shit.
I would like that.
Yes. I would like to play Congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
If I am lynched, Makaze and Hyuge will have lynched three straight town members. @Makaze You use the term "we", but not all of you are acting the same. If lying low makes me suspicious, how am I more suspicious than Mish, Hayabusa and Cat? I have "helped the town" more than all three of those people. You just don't like it because it was me putting pressure on you. @Midnight Star I can't say there is anyone that I even slightly suspect to be town. All I have a very weak theory that based of off Trouble in Terrorist Town. It's that being innocent in TTT can be pretty damn boring. Some people throw the game as soon they find out their role, or in the case of this game, just not participate. If that's the case, there's a chance that some of the very inactive players threw the game once they learned they were town.
Please explain how I am supposed to give a proper defense. The only thing I can do to prove my allegiance is to lynch a Mafia member. A town member trying to prove his innocence and a Mafia member trying to hide his identity will look exactly the same. I truly believe people here are grasping at straws. They're trying to lynch me because they need someone to lynch to keep the game moving. I just happen to be lucky contestant number three. It looks like I'm going down the same way Krowley and Rainshine did. The only difference is that I tried to start a movement based on a belief I had. If you want to think of that as suspicious behavior, that's fine. I'm not doing anything that Makaze or What? haven't done. People keep asking me for my opinion about how I feel about other players like I haven't given it any thought. So here's the deal. The reason I am still trying to lynch Makaze is because I still believe he is the person is most likely to be a Mafia member. What? has been saying I was Mafia for a long time. I'm sticking with my gut about Makaze the same way What? has stuck to his by trying to start a movement against me earlier in this game.
I'm not going to defend myself against a list of very tiny details. Makaze, when I accused you, it was about an overall personality that you had. You're nitpicking, and if I quote your entire post, defending every point, all you're going to do is say how my response is suspicious for some reason or another. What am I supposed to say? When I accused you of being Mafia, I cared very little about what your defense was. This game is so double sided that 90% of everything you say can either be a town action or a mafia action. You can vote to lynch me if you want, but I'm not going to do the whole back and forth thing over the tiniest possible details you can find. Any time you guys want to organize a game of Trouble in Terrorist Town, I am so down for that instead. Vote: Makaze
I've been in Disney World since Friday, and will not return home until Thursday night. I'll get back into the game once I am back on a keyboard.
This is interesting. Any of you three want to explain your lack of activity?
I'm not going to keep arguing with you about this. I said all I needed to say about it. Also, you're wrong when you say self-preservation is anti-town. Town members are the hunters and the hunted. Staying out of the public eye is beneficial for both town and mafia. It helps town members because if a town member can avoid suspicion, that means everyone else will focus on people who might actually be Mafia instead of trying to lynch a town member and doing the Mafia's work for them.
This logic of yours can be go the other way too. All I'm doing is bringing attention to myself by calling you out during the day. I'm making a bold move by going after you the same way you made a bold move by going after Beau with very little evidence that they were Mafia. Everything you're saying about me, I could say the exact same thing about you. I keep saying this and I'll say it again. There are two ways to play this. The loud way and the quiet way. Look at the way you handled him. You analyzed every single detail about their personality, they barely put a fight and you got people to turn against him. You went after a weak link. That can look like a "scum" move the same way you say me going after a strong link is a "scum" move. On an unrelated note. I find it funny that you keep calling the Mafia "scum". If I didn't think otherwise, I'd say you were a townie through and through. Almost like you'll do whatever it takes. Add any little detail to make us think you're not with the Mafia. I don't need to "try" to portray you as hyper-controlling. Anyone who pays attention to the way you have been acting can see it immediately. All I was doing was connection the dots. Not everyone sees your aggressive ways as suspicious, but I do. This "false quote" argument doesn't hold as much weight as you think it does. If this "false quote" said something completely different than what you had already been saying, maybe I could see your point. But all it did was give a summary of your behavior. It was an honest mistake. You turned this entire thing around on me because of a spelling error and a minor editing mistake. Makaze's guess got a town member killed, so you could always give someone else a chance.
People have been voting and unvoting all day. Just because there was a soft lynch when I voted, that doesn't mean it was going to stay that way for 24 hours. Without my vote, there were 6 others. 2 people could have easily had a change of heart and unvoted. Just because I don't do things the way you do, that doesn't mean my style is less effective than yours. Your way was to start attacking right away and mine was to start the first day passively. You and I both lynched a town member, so I would say that both of our styles have achieved the exact same result. Both of our styles could help shield from suspicion, so don't try to say that my passive approach is more suspicious than your loud approach. Each one is a effective form of subterfuge. I don't understand why this is an issue. I had plenty of quotes to use that backed up my argument. Why would I throw a bullshit one in there too? Throw out that mistake and the post still reads the same way. Throw out the quotations entirely and my entire argument still holds weight. It's not like I only listed some quotes and said "See?" I have never used the multi-quote feature.
If that's the way you want to put it, yes. I believe your aggression has the been the most suspicious thing I have seen so far. I admit that you make a good point about the Watcher, but I don't know who the Watcher is. All I know is what I see. If the day was indicative of how this game is going to go, someone is going to get lynched today, and I believe that you should be that person. I didn't forget who I voted for. I have just been misspelling it today. I voted for Krowley. It's easy to confuse the two letters when there are two members with the same name on the same game. "Crowley" replied to me earlier in this thread, and then changed her name back to Cat, so the whole thing has been mixing me up. That was my mistake. I spent a lot of time rewriting and reorganizing that I got some parts mixed up. I would edit the original post if it wasn't against the rules. I voted for Krowley because I agreed with your logic at the time. I thought Krowley was Mafia, and it would be in my best interest to follow my gut instead of trying to start something new. If Krowley was Mafia, and here I am trying to get the attention off of him, he gets lynched, and people are going to immediately start looking at me. I know you might respond back by saying it's suspicious that I wouldn't want people being suspicious of me, but part of the Town strategy is making sure that people that don't suspect me, because if they lynch me, all that's going to do is help the Mafia. I still wasn't confident about my suspicions of you. I was waiting for this day to see if you would killed at night. If you weren't, I would vote for you to be lynched.
I believe Makaze is with the Mafia. I think he was the clear cut target for the first night. He appears to be the most dedicated person here, and is one of the smartest. Like Ben said, he has a strong personality. It takes a smart person to put on an act and constantly be so aggressive at the same time. He has been the most vocal about other people's actions, and people respond positively to that. From what I have seen, he is the clear cut leader during the day hours of the game. While most people, including myself, are sitting back and watching, he has been planting seeds. He has been giving everyone something to think about. Well, here are my thoughts. What? has been asking me what I meant by "keeping an eye on the most vocal", and Makaze was who I was referring too. For the entire first day, Makaze has been constantly questioning people's dedication to the town. He started off with three votes against him at the very beginning based on light suspicion, and was able to end up with zero votes on the first day. He did very little to actually defend himself against the votes. All he really did was play the concerned detective role extremely well. He said things like: "I'm trying too hard because mafia is a team game. If you aren't going to help then you are a liability to town, or mafia. Town nearly always lose this game. Sitting back and watching is not a luxury you have as town." "Don't sit back and watching. Lynch the people I say should be lynched." "We have a real, tangible reason to think you are anti-town." "Playing it safe is not pro-town." "We have to thin it down and work as a team. If we wait until the end, it will be a lot more work for you to move votes from Beau to anyone else; I strongly believe he'll win out if you wait." Anti-town this. Help the town that. Hurry up and vote based on some observations about Beau's passive personality. These quotes may look like that are taken out of context, but it's less about each situation specifically and more about a vibe he has been giving off overall. This may very well be someone with the town, who is legitimately trying to find the mafia so the town can win. On the other hand, it could be a smart tactic to convince members of the town to kill each other. He voted Crowley randomly at the very start, unvoted, and then voted him again at 6:39pm on Wednesday. He says in his post, "That said, twenty minutes to dead line... Better hurry...". At 6:55pm, 6:56pm, 7:18pm, three more people voted for Crowley, I joined in an hour later, and eventually Crowley was soft-lynched. I'm not going to say that because Crowley was town, that automatically means Makaze is Mafia, but if we had lynched a Mafia, that surely would have helped his case. The only way I see a situation where Makaze is town. and the mafia didn't kill him last night, is that the Mafia thinks that keeping him alive and lynching town members is helpful to their cause. Without Makaze's strong leadership, town members will spend less time thinking about the ideas he shares, and more time investigating for themselves. That means there's a possibility of no lynches during the day hours, and I would imagine they want as many people lynched as quickly as possible. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Vote: Makaze
The Nelly one.