But it's fun.
By feels, I mean the good kind
Why not buy a gaming PC and stick with that?
Yeah. How hard could it be? All you do is read some books, do the warden's taxes and then escape to Mexico.
Rule of thumb is to take away more than you add. Cut 100hz a little. Cut 300hz a good bit to remove any muddy frequencies. Leave 1khz alone. Boost 3khz if you have to. Leave 10khz alone. It's hard for me to help you if I can't hear what your talking about. Equalizers on television can be really weird sometimes. I'm not sure what the EQ on your machine is like, but it looks like you may be out of luck if there isn't an option to boost 5khz. That's where you would improve voice over clarity.
TitanFall was great. Plus, the year ain't over yet sucka.
A Nord walks into Bethesda HQ. He says hey. Where is Fallout 4?
Having Walter White without the Pork Pie. Shame on you. Maybe if you could have a Zelda/Shiek thing going on where he changes from Walter White to Heisenberg. That would be cool.
Jag vet inte egentligen tala svenska
It probably just means that it needs to use 60GB during the install. The largest game I have ever seen was Max Payne III, and that was only 30-something-GB. I know it's a big game, but I can't imagine it's bigger than RAGE, a game that uses megatexturing.
Pharrell should stick to producing.
harry potter
Watch American Hustle.
I'll mention what I mentioned in the dead thread. Next time we play, there should be one new rule added. No name changes while you're active in the game. It's far too confusing.
again again again
Hip hop thread?
Guaranteed replies.
A standalone expansion to Total War: Rome II set in 395 AD based on the barbarian invasions of the Western and Eastern Roman Empires. Includes some new features like scorth the earth, religion, sanitation, and disease. Also includes some "new" features like a family tree and a governor system. Cinematic trailer: Campaign and Battles maps: