Can they be nipple sized penis sized nipples?
2 on 1. That ain't fair.
What is it about Japanese culture that makes people so obsessive? Between this and Katana worship, I swear you'd think Japan was some mythical place or something.
Okay guys. Joke's over. You can unvote me now.
I have yet to see someone in this thread provide substantial reasoning for a vote. I'm still waiting for someone to give up something good, so until that happens, my first vote will be based on metagame, which is just as an good a reason as any other. Trigger would be my second choice.
What do you want to know?
The truth is that no one has a good reason yet. I voted for Mish because she was a good Mafia member last game, so it wouldn't surprise me if Nova selected her again.
Vote: #Mish
You a bad show.
tfw you went to school in trailers
I wonder if other hobbies go through this stuff. Like if stamp collectors ever have twitter campaigns and #controversies. I wonder if stamp collectors get worked up and go on forums, putting down other stamp collectors for not collecting stamps the right way. I wonder if there's a stamp collector out there with a thick British accent called CompleteCrumpet that makes a ton of youtube videos about how much stamps suck. I wonder if stamp collectors feel superior to people that only use stamps to mail letters. I wonder if stamp collectors send death threats to people.
How about a dating sim for paraplegic white supremacists?
No, but you shouldn't say it.
yo sign me up fool
So tell me. What's your function?