I have a Ducky Shine II with black keys. It's worked very well for over 2 years now. It's illuminated.
Peace a pizza
is you banned
In Goofy we trust.
It might be "stock music" that you can get from an audio company. I buy some of my sound effects libraries from Sound Ideas, and they make music like this for this reason.
Don't have kids. Live for yourself.
How about they get rid of that das der die mess and just pick one? Somewhere in the world there is a perfect language that doesn't pull this stuff. Read and Read sound the same but mean different things? Go fuck yourself.
I'm pretty sure anime is every single genre at any given time.
An example of a game that is both good and overrated.
Holy mackerel.
Needs more Hurdy Gurdy.
Representation of wealth.
I doubt anything of value was lost.
I did stuff and it was good.
This is the most Degrassi sentence ever.
I will never forgive Nintendo for what they did to Fox's voice in SSB4.
Did somebody say montage parodies?
I'll give what I can. We can also work out a loan if the donations stop coming in.