tits or GTFO
Super necro bump. Any chance we can revist this idea?
Stellar pun, dude.
Probably gonna try to build spaceships with em or somethin'
Nice necrobump, Kitty. Reported.
Tell her you can't drive because you got arrested for DUI. Girls love tough guys that break laws and stuff.
I think you hate her because her name is Megan.
I wish more games like Twisted Metal were made. Now those were some fun car games.
I am. Playing Witcher II over again right now.
Jared Leto, Will Smith and Jesse Eisinberg as super villains. Give me a god damn break.
damn you old as hell right now
haha April Fools.
Because our eyes aren't real.
This can't be real.
You'l listen to this band if you know what's good for you. Even if you don't understand French it's a hell of a listen. It's some kind of psyche-house mish mash with some pop elements here and there. Here is one of my favorites: Another good one: They have one album out called Psycho Tropical Berlin I won't post here cause boobs. It has a Pink Floyd, Dark of the Moon thing going on where even though there isn't that one classic song, it's an outstanding album when you listen through it all once.
whoa look at those graphics
People are racist and cops are fucked in the head. Not horrifying.
Are there goes any potential of durable drums.
Yahama DX7 is the greatest synth ever created.