You guys finally stopped making the black guy win this poll. See KHV? That's called progress.
All of their games are outstanding. Get Victoria 2.
Play a Paradox game with me, bro.
I can make some beats for you guys if you want. My mixing skills have improved a lot.
Here are my thoughts on this whole thing. Victoria is pretty cute. I wanna bang dis broad. Now bring in the dancing lobsters.
I tell you hwut. I don't know much about these Scottish fellers you be talkin' about but has they ever been to the moon? No? Alright then.
Yo don't no me BRUH. Ducky Shine is the shit.
Get a Ducky Shine II (III if you can't find a II) with black switches. Trust me, you want a mechanical keyboard.
Okay it's cars that turn into robots. We get it. We got it in 1984. Let it be. It's lame now.
No comment.
This is why I rarely buy action/shooter games any more. Strategy games are built with PC in mind so they actually god damn work. So many of these first person and third person games have frame rate issue, mouse acceleration or some other crap.
I had an idea for user awards type of award thing except with Kingdom Hearts instead of KHV. Categories could include: Best KH game Best voice actor Worst game Best boss fight Most annoying character So on and so forth.
It took me a good minute to realize that this dude wasn't ripping off The Cool Kids and was actually in the group.
The Master of Disguise.
Fallout IV and it wasn't even close really. They actually told us a lot about their game.
Most Likely To Be President
This makes me want to go back and name my character "you cunt"
If this video is real, I will lead a group of Greek nationalists to start an armed rebellion in Istanbul.