Pop Tarts! Pop Tarts! Pop Tarts! Pop Tarts! Pop Tarts! Pop Tarts! Pop Tarts! Pop Tarts! Pop Tarts! Pop Tarts! Pop Tarts! Pop Tarts! THE VERY BEST! Pop Tarts! Pop Tarts! Pop Tarts! Pop Tarts! LIKE NO ONE EVER WAS! Pop Tarts! Pop Tarts! Pop Tarts! Pop Tarts! Pop Tarts! Pop Tarts! Pop Tarts! Pop Tarts! CB ...*cough* soooooo....
In case you're wondering how, A wizard gave the witch the power to do it.
Hooah? HOOAH! That's fun to say. So is RAXACORICOFALLAPATORIUS (That IS a real word btw, it's not a keyboard smash.)
I know that but like... recently it jsut seems so okay to get pregnant when still a teen in school, there didn't used to be so many pregnant peopel in school...
....Why is teen pregnancy so popular? -__- it's sad...
Well okay for that, but stiiiill what year does the mark go to anyway?
Pssh, it's easy to say it without shouting, I can. ....not. GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ;~; sowwry
But it seems so stupid, school ends on a certain day for a reason, who gives you the work anyway, the teacher of last year or your new teacher? Cause like, if it's your old teacher aren't the grades already in and stuff? Or does it go into the mark of your next year coming up? Who even marks it? >_< Gah, it just seems so stupid and useless to me.
Spaztic: The fact this is the 5th thred we've had to make cause the others maxed out? Osel B: No. THIS IS GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU D:<
I don't get how summer homework even works... can someone please explain it to me?
Now there is only one thign left to do. *ahem* GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Avi: 9/10 Somewhat plain, but very amusing to watch Sig1: 6/10 doesn't really match with the rest of your stuff Sig2: 10/10 Nothing could eb doen to make it better that I can see. And whatever you did to have a background patter in your sig, infinity/10 for that, it is win.
All my friends in the US have started school... wtf it's still mid-summer for us. ;~;
I think this is Raine's fault. Also Neuro's.
^totally agree Avi: 10/10 I don't see any way to improve it so full marks Sig: 10/10 again, can't see anywhere needign improvement.
Hmm. Yeah, we're still only making a giraffe shaped mosh pit right? Not like...trying to spit the world in 2 like last time? I don't think Emil or Lloyd would like that either....
Yeah, hard to get away from that fact -__-;
I know that feeling... *pokes avi* Emiiiilllllll~ What's the matter? *tries to hug you though the computer screen* D: it's not working!
I'm surprised anyone even really knows about nihei or Blame! It's kinda one of those things that ends up being much better than mainstream things...
Copying and pasting names for... an online game? Why on earth would you need to do that in the first place...?