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  1. Quiet Elegy

    ones have you seen?
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 11, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Quiet Elegy
    So you haven't then...
    Pro tip: Don't.

    I'm not
    sure if you'll be into it, for a lot of peple it's either a love it or hate it thing. Considering what you like though I think you'll find it funny at least.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 11, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Quiet Elegy
    Have you played them, or just generally know they are bad?

    Well, I guess
    you can start off with the 9th doctor, it's the rebirth of Dr. Who, after it ended way back when they started it up again. I believe it was something like 2001 when it started. Try watching the first episode or two. The doctor's actor is Christopher Ec-something.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 11, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Quiet Elegy
    I thought 4 was pretty bad.. but then came 5 amd 6 with the whole 'Legend of Spyro' thing. Ugh. I think 4 was just the all time low though. I'm ashamed of it even being in my collection of games.
    Also, I'm not counting spinoff games, those are just... no. They don't exist to me.

    Yes, you
    probably should.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 11, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Quiet Elegy
    Was? It still is... unless you mean as the games are coming out, cause the more that come out the worse it gets...

    ffff. yesssssss.
    Seriously though, I love it, it's awesomesauce winnage.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 11, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Quiet Elegy
    Ah FinalFantasy, Earthbound, that one game I rmemeber playing but not the name, and Zelda~ How I loved you.
    I don't remember much but I was born aroudn the time my siters where getting into Sailor moon and dragonball. Like hardcore into it.
    I grew up a little, most of my early memories are more anime, more games.
    Spyro invaded my life, ect, ect.
    Then my whole *cencored for stupididty* phase, it was the first anime I actually knew I was watching an anime for, and lookgin back... I really am ashamed of myself for likng it.
    I was 10 when Bleach came out as an anime, of course I got sucked into that. And OnePeice... ugh and Naruto. Then I stoped liking it and it got insnaly popular, and that made me shun it even more.
    Dr. Who would probably be my first actual real-people tv show I followed each episode for.

    Aaand that's
    the story of my otaku childhood.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 11, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Quiet Elegy
    When you're 12, and can ACTUALLY SAY "I am 12 and what is this?" ...Rule 34 is not fun.

    To be honest
    I don't know if I even had a propper childhood, I can't really say I'm sad about the cookiemonster thing because it was never a part of my life. I grew up on anime and fantasty RPGs because my sisters fed it to me costantly.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 11, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  8. Quiet Elegy
    Wait, you still had a childhood? Mine got raped and murdered by the internet when I was like... 12.

    Random rule
    34 is not fun.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 10, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Quiet Elegy
    I'm just throwing inside jokes at you, the twins thing that is, I really don't know the games at all.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 8, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Quiet Elegy
    Depends what YOU'RE thinking of, is there twins or not?

    Also, sorry,
    a lot of stuff happened where most of my computer time was EkIchi or Touho or some /h/ game Kirby has that we watched.
    And Land Before Time.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 8, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Quiet Elegy
    Is it the one with the twins?
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 3, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Quiet Elegy
    I know, doesn't mean I can't like one more that the other though.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 2, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Quiet Elegy

    Well I don't
    actually bother with the Personas, I just find some of the postings funny or awesome looking. :/ I don't really know anything about them beyond a little game play, characters, and some quotes.
    Also, SMT is bettererer.
    And totally not just because I still laugh at my own naming irony...
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 1, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Quiet Elegy
    If one person posted saying something about Persona 3, someone else would say something about Persona 2, and Persona 4. Everyone just kinda knows either what's it's from or just kinda doesn't care.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 1, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Quiet Elegy
    Basically, if one Persona thing is posted, people just post stuff from all the Personas :/ So I don't really have the ability to tell the games apart, I just know who is who and other random stuff.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 1, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  16. Quiet Elegy
    Anything is fun when dressed up and doing random stuff.

    Where I obtain
    very srs inteligence of thingys, if Persona is posted, all of Persona is posted.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 1, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  17. Quiet Elegy
    I would join you in that if I could.

    XD nice

    Yeah, I
    forget what Persona it's from though.

    Dude, a
    tablecloth can make you the lizard queen. It doesn't take much to make a costume.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Oct 31, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  18. Quiet Elegy
    Rei, she ate my internets, but IO got it back.

    So liek I
    woke up, took 3 seconds, and bolted upright and almost yelled IT'S HALLOWEEN.

    You should
    do some fun stuff B, it's fun.

    So like...
    Some kid in
    my class said I should get drunk at parties. I told him he had no idea how much I wanted to give him a black eye right then.
    He got scared.
    He should be,
    I highly disaprove of underage drinking, and I've wanted to stab him a few times as well. e_e

    Ugh, kids in
    my school... the grade nines openly talk about drugs, getting high, getting drunk, sex... One girl was even 'yeah I got so drunk I don't remember what happened but I woke up and there was a used condom in my bed, and I rememebr a garde 8."
    These people disgust me, she's not even ashamed or worried about it?

    Right, off
    the <insert Persona quote here> topic...

    I'm going
    trick or treating with friends~
    Really, what beats getting free candy? Partys can happen any time, Halloween is once a year.
    I declare all people who don't trick or treat are losers.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Oct 31, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Quiet Elegy
    Nah, but Kiryu should be there too.

    Kirby is this
    guy I met because of this girl I talked too at summerschool. XD He's crossplaying Flandre ****ign Scarlet, dress and all.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Oct 28, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  20. Quiet Elegy
    That maybe taking it a bit far but if it is possible I so would.

    Kirby needs
    to be there for it, I'm sure he could convince Minty to. I declare all men should take lessons form Kirby on life and crossdressing, just because.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Oct 27, 2009 in forum: Forum Families