*stares at Reimu's name avi and sig* I think I love you.
What's the RP about?
Nothing much, still up to the same old stuff. How about you?
Along with Reimu, she is the most reoccurring character in Touhou. I think she's playable in every game. She was also Alice's target in that last flash on the list I posted. They failed the name though, it's 'Marisa Stole the Precious Thing'.
Eh?! Well there WAS a donation box... Dammnit Marisa stole THAT too?
Hey hey hey hey hey, what do you think you're doing?! That is MY umbrella thankyouverymuch. I believe I'M the only Tatara Kogasa around here, AND I need that to live D:< Also, Reimu told me that the donation box is off limits too
Touhou is... um.... well let me show you what touhou is. Godly Okuu with her powers of nuclear fusion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQLIaZUOnBU Note the dificultsy is set to easy... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGBlG6DijxQ Second stage boss of #10, on hard http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DarWuqfcLw&feature=related IOSYS makes a lot of flashes, though they have the most of Touhou~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1A46If3X80 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlbiNSQL_Tw&feature=related (I'm totally not learning this for my cosplay...) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JB5IIsX0wS4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZtroc5NaZA&feature=related Then there was BadApple which is still at the top of this page. Bullet hell game seires, by the great god ZUN who is all powerful. Or somethign like that. Good...um... plot? It kinda has a plot*coughifyoucancallitplotcough*, you mostly play for the grazing danmaku and characters though. Their personalitys are awesome. There's like 12 official games and 5 or 6 ones like '12.3' or '10.5'
Huh, guess I'm right and living and dead really DOENS'T make a difference here. I fell like this is touhou now. brb, grazing liek a pro.
XD thanks Sephy Hey B, don't get to rough, you already killed a few of the other potential family members, we don't wanna kill anybody who actually joined this insanity, do we? Then again I've been dead for a while, and overkilled several more times... Nobody really notices a difference between living and dead here anyway.
yar i b kool So like, just TRY and tell me this isn't amazing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NUuTMvTH8s I cried. So amazing...
It's pretty rare across all the forums to use more than one colour like I do. Some people alternate but I go and change up every new line.
...what? I'm pretty sure I'm the only one....
PFFT XD WHAT THE FOOK? "What's with the two colors in one post?" I like to be a UINIQUE AND SPECIFUL SNOWFLAKE. But really, I just do it caus eI think it looks good, at leas tbetter than one colour.
post-after con-convention depression-sad Those three days where better than Ai-kon in a lot of ways.... BAWWWWw I'MMAMISSCHUCHIBICON ... Derp. So what's up?
Derp. Well I'm getting post con depression now. Still hyper though.
Oww my hitbox, I hurt. Wait **** my hitbox? ... *dies* ----------------- In other news, Razzu needs sleep and to calm down from massive epic... and horrible hypocritical geeky... ugh... geekyness Yeah I'm gonna go die now. .. **** I already did, who clicked yes to retr- GOD I JUST LOST 3 LIVES, OKUU FIGHTS DIRTY, SO DOES FLANDRE D:< SBHFNAEFNBASNDg:asdgV .... I'm going to go night night now, I am sleep deprived.
I think my pet ate them...
Nonononono NO! Rememeber LAST time the giant mechanical frog was let lose? It just gargled into a flamboyant orange sweatervest. You know how hard I worked to change it back? However we can send out the tiny crying llama, we had no problems with that besides it eating a few people.... and not being tiny anymore
If you like Primeval, then Docter Who is a bit similar to that in a few ways. Mr. Pumpkin... hmm... you type well, I like you already. HOWEVER, there is something I must ask before you can even think of becoming one of us, and that is: Can you handle random?
Yeah, I've seen it a ferw times.