Now now, don't scare them away already. Let them get at least a little attached to this place first, THEN you can go about usual buisness. LongAndRandomUserNameFTW... I wish to call you Random as a nickname, however I think I'll just go with some generic name... what do you think of 'Bob'?
:| So, Tennant is epic win, right?
Kekekekekeke, I'm but a Sweet Little Sister~ Also, the spoiler does not wish to open, you have LIED to me, LIED I SAY.
instead of asking about the cranberry traps, why not ask the more important question: UN Owen Was Her? Psshft, so does you sig Deii, it's actually worse than my text. >B[
And Then There Where None, because Taboo Tears You Up. Kekekekekeke Anybody take a liking to cranberrys? :3
Damn, I just missed you yesterday Higher, I went to bed early though because I had nothing better to do. :/
Why is now so great, what of the last 100th of a millisecond that just passed?
Just put a post-it note on your monitor or something to remind you. . . . Though thinking now you'll probably read it, go "oh yeah..." then keep minding your own buisness. For some reason that's just how people work.
Higher: I never really left this thread much before, I kinda knew the place was going downhill though with people leaving and everything. :/ At least it was fun while it lasted? Maybe this thread stayed around because we're kinda closed off from the rest of the forum, if I had liked posting around in other places I would probably have been more tempted to leave when everyone else did. Me and B only really post here so there was no reason to leave since we both still kept a conversation going. Deii just kinda jumps in at times because I remind him the thread exists. B: The prescription for EVERYTHING is more cowbell.
Not knowing what you're gonna do, that's always fun. Good luck finding something interesting to you, that's probably the most important thing. Also, I'm genuinely surprised, this is a very strange time indeed having people stick around for a real conversion.
Don't worry B, being confused is normal.
Wtf is going on here, why is there actual PEOPLE, and their POSTING? Doktor: Ah, that makes sence now. You still play, or did you get tired of it? Higer: Yeah, Mabinogi, also I'm suprised to see you here, what have you been up to? Rosey: Even more suprised to see you here *pokes at avi* Emiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil
Worse mentally meaning, her mental age is far older than her physical age. The username is so familiar though... I can't really remember who you are. :/ sorry
Ouch, so if we married her now she's be a cougar? Even worse mentally.
Hmm.. looking like ZUN wouldn't be all that bad. As overly odd looking, he DOES have a floral hat. B, Rika is like... 6 or 7. Regardless of how advanced she thinks her body is still that of a young girl. Being unable to prove her mind is over 100 'fates' old, which is probably even more than 100 years, she is not legally able to be married. Thus, you break the law if you marry her.
When even the young wield tacos against lactose intolerant people.... So.... Would you guys break the law to marry Rika?
Hey Cassy, we're going to a fiesta! Hey Cassy, we're going to a fiesta!
I refuse to let you tell me so. TOUHOU.
Wot. Well it appears we're both here at the same time. Wow. I take this as a belssing from ZUN, creator of all that is Touhou. Because apperently this has to do with Touhou. Touhou. Yeah.