Avi: 7.5/10 It's good but the center of focus isn't the thing you eye id dragged to first Sig: 7/10 Same reason as the avi, as well as it is a bit big as it is Blame! is awesome, I need to finish it though. Since you have an avi and sig of it I assume you would suggest biomega as something to read after?
Wow... why where you doing that though, what was it for? -__-
<_< >_> *backs away a little* How safe is this again?
Dude, that is a lot of pressing buttons and random engines to turn on, you sure that's the right device?
Ah yes, we musn't forget that. Very beatuful wood, very beatiful. And now we await for such the day to come. ... ... Screw it, let's set if off now.
I swear that show is...stalking me down. Why do you guys like it anyway? It's eeevvveerrryyywhereeeee Also, Rosie, I love you for your avi. Emiiiiiiiil~ Instead of APH, more people should obsess over...I dunno.... Tales of Symphonia - Nights of Ratatoskr, or .Hack//, or Drakengard, or or or EkIchi's SpherEternity Fallen Angels shameless self promotion there
Near: The reason it goes like that is the chlorine in the water. The coloring damaged her hair, the chlorine changed it's colour, and both kinda killed her hair. Coco: Oh man I should have just guessed for it XD *stalks* *watches*
Hah, yeah but try telling that to a girlly girl. That's nice ;~; I wish to have that, completely getting the soap out of my hair is so hard, so usually after my shower I finish getting the soap out by using the faucet in the tub. Far from convenient but I would rather have to do that each time than have an itch scalp from dandruff. Hair hygiene... yeah we're talking about it in quite a serious manner. XD
Yeah, the soap and even just the water drys out your skin (yes, water can dry out you skin), plus more laundry to do, tons and tons of towels used. Is it possible to just wash your hair in the sink, or maybe just kneel down and wash it in the bathtub? Not fill up the tub but turn the faucet on, wet the hair, turn it off and do that shampoo, on again to wash, off and conditioner, and on one more time to wash out the conditioner. I do that sometimes if I'm not dirty but my hair feels realy gross. >_<
The pattern changes? oh god XD Baw I think I shall change my name, it looks horrible with jsut 3 colours. Also, Coco, I really wanna see some of your stuff, I think I found you on DA once but I forgot to watch you... I remmeber thinkign you where really good though
Of course it only works if the third son of the thirty third king of Poland blesses said sword, right Osel B? EDIT: OH GOD WTF NOT ONLY ARE THE PREMMY NAMES RAINBOWY, BUT THE PATTERN CHANGES EACH POST *dies* I wanna change my name, Sai is to short for it to look good, Kaitou Sai would be better :/
Ehh, a week isn't that bad, I usually have one ever 4 or 5 days. Kinda gross but if I'm not dirty then why really waste water? Also, wtf wow did they finally get around to programming it so that premmys have rainbow names? ;~; Mine doesn't look good.
On march 33rd at 3:33 am, perferable with seconds at 33
I think in general this whole site is kinda dieing. At least most stuff still around from when KH2 was a hit. Most people started leaving about half a year after KH2 hit it's peak and started to go down, some even before that. Near, this may sound kinda gross but stop washing it. It will stop producing as much oil if is saturated with oil already. I have that problem all the time if I need to have a shower sooner than my usual schedule.
Avi: 5/10 it matches the sig but it's hard to see. Sig: 9/10 it's large but it does look good. I love Ghost in the Shell, Stand Along Complex is just awesome.
Avi: 10/10 nice colours, looks awesome Sig: 10/10 that's just hilarious
Maybe if we had a giraffe shaped mosh pit they would come back...
You're jsut that weird stalker that never posts D:<
We're like... the only two left. ;~; I miss Kiryu and Dot and all the others that I am to lazy to type out.