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  1. micketymike
    well thats my thing i dont consider an antagonist proper if they arnt that way otherwise its just "im gonna kick you cause ime wearin dark clothes." all antagonist should have a backstory a deeper reason for theyre evil besides "i felt like being evil today" and if they do then obviously it would be quite like the hero hesitating since in theyre story the are the hero, get it?
    Post by: micketymike, Dec 13, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  2. micketymike
    >i woundnt say its more attractive but it does tell us you go out so if were the type thats only social on the internet then we may see it as a say opportunity.

    >as was said earlier, its not realy attractive to have low self esteem but high self esteem can make a tough relationship. ex. i've been told that i wasnt goodlooking enought by someone so yeah. what ive found with low selfesteem is it makes boys feel good and kind because they are complimenting you and defending you frome yourself at the same time so they think they being a good boyfriend.

    >i've never understood the sagging pants thing but i have a theory no actually i know how it started. it actually started in jail when cell mates are wordlessly telling each other that they want to, ahem thats awkward. then it realy caught on in gang neighborhoods because they would either have family of a friend in jail or have gone there themselves. then the gangster wanabees or wangsters decided theyed do it untill eventuall it became the new style and nobody remembered what it realy meens
    Post by: micketymike, Dec 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. micketymike
  4. micketymike
  5. micketymike
  6. micketymike
    Profile Post

    very well good bye

    very well good bye
    Profile Post by micketymike for jettie, Dec 2, 2008
  7. micketymike
  8. micketymike
    if not id be meeningless
    Profile Post by micketymike for jettie, Dec 2, 2008
  9. micketymike
    alot less busy "lately"
    Profile Post by micketymike for jettie, Dec 2, 2008
  10. micketymike
    Profile Post

    hello jettie

    hello jettie
    Profile Post by micketymike for jettie, Dec 2, 2008
  11. micketymike
    Profile Post

    heeeeey!!! fifth

    heeeeey!!! fifth
    Profile Post by micketymike for The Fifth Element, Dec 1, 2008
  12. micketymike
    you know the vending machine thing? well they have oriculums if you wait till about the end, to findum check aound worlds particularly agraba beasts castle and the underworld at olympus colysym
    Post by: micketymike, Dec 1, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  13. micketymike


    and Bella's Lullaby is not written by robert patterson, its by Carter Burwell! sorry thats been bugging me. the song robert wrote for the soundtrack is called never think, look it up if you dont believe me.
    Post by: micketymike, Nov 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. micketymike
    Profile Post

    ah oh well

    ah oh well
    Profile Post by micketymike for jettie, Nov 30, 2008
  15. micketymike
  16. micketymike
  17. micketymike
  18. micketymike
  19. micketymike
  20. micketymike
    Profile Post

    do you need some help?

    do you need some help?
    Profile Post by micketymike for curse_tail, Nov 30, 2008