i never really though about it
its ok i guess
whatching a couple movies at once
i think it is... whatcha up to?
better then i have been in a good while.
hiya!!!! how are you?
hey all im back, things have began to turn around for me and ive been able to return to the site, oh btw jettie it is bilbos speech, I guess i wasnt as clear as i intended on that. anyway im here now and i somehow dobt anyone will see this but you know, I'll live right? well for anyone who does see this im in high spirits and ready to start comming on this site with you guys again. :)
thanks, YOU ROCK! :)
yeah i started a thread in the departure place and said id be going away for personal reasons, but these problemsa are now resolved. i also...
can you help me with something?
good bye my friend
goodbye my friend
nevermind, im back!
*apears in front of joo* poke! *flys away laeving a ruined twilight book in shreads on the ground*
i just got one choa full on all stts and called it quits
nothing much :( how about you????????
yeah i figured so do you do much with your choas?
no we havent. i imagine this is a stupid question but have you played "sonic adventure dx"
no i dont agree with dress codes but i'll come out and say why it is applied and a reason its not so bad. most schools that applie it are charter schools beacaus they ar ove achieving schools and a dress code is said to discourage apperence based distractions. but i have gone to both uniform and public schools and found the unifor can be a good thing. at my school now every ones looking the same. whereing the same brand. branching into groups where they "fit in". but i talk to everyone out there and half them dont have any similar qualitys to theyre cliqu. when i ask how they got to be in that group i always begins with clothes. this disapointed me beacause theyre all good kids beyond what theyre groups are but because thats theyre "uniform" group they have to blend in and act like them. on the contrary at uniform schools people are alot more free (whether those of you with uniforms realize it or not) people were in theyre groups by what kind of peole they were. they didnt have to live up to the reputation of theyre clothing, and i realy saw some uniqe personalitys that dimmed when that school became a uniforme free school by popular demand of the community. so ive whatched the change and know all the sacrafices we make to where the cloths that make us "cool".