It's cool. Good to hear you're doing great. I'm doing good, thanks.
Seto walked into his tent with his officers. "Men, I need plan whilst I'm away on...recon. I will return in a day or so. Have our tactics ready by then." Seto walked out of the camp and toward the village. He saw the castle and stared up at it. What am I suposed to do?
Seto stood up and walk out of his tent. He spotted a guard. He told the guard "Gather the captains for a meeting tonight. We must decide what our tactics shall be." I hope this ends soon. The tension is too much. Yume, I hope you're making progress.
Thank you very much. You're a great friend.
Thanks, you're awesome.
Hah, first I need to find a girl I like that'll like me back.
Haha, pretty much done with that.
Coming out of the shell i guess.
Can't let it go to my head though, right? haha.
hah, i guess. i did get to dance with alot of girls, hah.
There was a girl that i wasn't into ask me out. Made it a little awkard but me and her are still friends.
It was ok. The dance was crazy awesome and a little weird.
How are you today?
Oh don't worry I did, hah.
Heading over to our school dance in a few and then going over to a friend's house.
I know, it's been a while, huh. So what's up?
I've been pretty good, thanks.
Hey, how have you been?
Seto sat down is his tent, drwaing up plans to use in his invasion of the castle. It's time to gather my forces and rally toward the King. But I'll need advantages. If only I could speak to Yume. She may have some way to end this. Maybe even without bloodshed.