Hey there. I've got 2 new videos up and another going up on monday probably.
Seto walked into town and drew closer to the castle. Soon, Yume. Soon I'll end this. Seto took in a deep breath. I'm not going down without a fight. I'm not going to sit back any more. I'll never be rid of my shame, but I'll always hold my honor. What is shame to me?
Really good. A bunch are coming out real soon.
Well, anything you wanna talk about?
hah, you know it.
Very interesting. Sounds like a good story, hah.
Hmm, tough. He prevoke you or something?
Who thought homework on a vacation was a good idea?
I've gotta do a project soon for school. I hate having hw on Spring Break.
Went around town with my friends all day. What about you?
hah, nice. I'm doing pretty good, thanks.
Always be prepared when shooting a video, haha.
Hey you, what's up?
Something on your mind?
Yeah, i'm kinda bored but i'm doing all right.
Nothing going on here.
Got into some trouble? What did you do?
Anything new with you?
I'm doing all right, thanks.
Hey there, what's up? It's been a long time.