yeah. so what are your KHV projects?
big ones and alot
same here. almost every summer ants infest my house
I just wish this summer could last forever
well, im gonna be all grown up soon. moved out, away from family and friends, no longer free to be a kid
yeah. it is. :)
Yeah, it's alot of work coming up w/ ideas and getting people together to film.
i know, summer is going wat too fast. and im gonna be a senior nxt year so this is my last summer. its kinda sad.
enjoying summer and trying to make new videos. :)
I'm good. what have you been up to?
hey, how have you been?
Hey, i havent heard from you in a long time. its good to hear from you. how are you?
hey, it's been a long time! :)
Been working on new videos and enjoying my last summer.
Party time! So what have you been up to?
I'm great now that it's finally summer!
It's ok. How are you?
Hey there, long time no see.
That's good to hear.
I'm good. Are you ok?