Good evening everyone.
On Omelge, RPing with some randomer about Tony Stark teaching Steve how to text. Enjoying it more than I should, as I am only ever creative at half one in the morning. Yesh.
Yeah. Alright, enjoy~ Very nice my dear, you speak it like a pro. Yesh, the same happened with me. Meh, I hate when songs are overplayed.
Not watching any videos right now, have no headphones. "Tá failte romhat" directly translates as "you are welcome", so...yeah. I like that song, or I did when it came out. T'was just lovely. By Train, yesh?
Oh good, I am glad you enjoyed it then. Will it make me smile? It means thank you. Yesh, we can be soul sisters or something like that. Lovely lovely.
Go raibh maith agat sweetie <3 Ah I see, I see. Tell the kids Auntie Danu will smite them with her mallet if they do not stop bothering you. Oh lovely, I do hope you enjoy it. Nothing is up, everything is down. Possible or not, me thinks yesh. Or no. Uhm.
I am meh, but thank you for caring sweetie <3 How are you?
Lovely to see you sweetie~ How are you?
Thanks sweetie <3 Thank you <3 Oh my goodness, why so many?
I just hate how...blargh, how I cannot deal with these things. Never have been able to, when people die I just curl up and ignore the world for weeks. But yesh. Might be going to bring him a card tomorrow. Sorry for blathering on dear, let us talk about something else. Like your day, how has it been?
I really don't deserve any of you. Thank you Kelly, it really does mean a hell of a lot. Thank you. Blargh, trying to avoid going all soppy Danu and sobbing. Really though, thank you so much. I find it very hard to vent, about anything really, but your words do mean a lot to me. Yesh. Love you. And thank you.
Reasons are always a lovely reason to be happy, I find. I am rather awful. But still. Once again, blargh is the ideal word here. Feeling guilty, as the funeral was today, and I did not go out, to talk or anything. My two other friends did, as did many others, but I didn't bother arranging anything and now I wish I had, but I just can't. Blargh.
Tell him I say hai please <3
Thanks sweetie. How have you been?
How are you?
Good afternoon everyone..
I HAVE SO MANY LOKI GIFS AND THEY MAKE ME CRY AND SCREAM. :3 Oh god. It all connects, Loki is really Xehonort. Yesh.
WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE THE ACTUAL GIF. <3 <3 Tom, give me my heart back.