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  1. Daxa~
  2. Daxa~
    I am giggling ever so much right now. Oh Nigel.
    Merci my darling, you have provided endless amusement, ever so wonderful. <3~
    And now, sweetie, how have you been doing? Life been treating you well?

    Oh hai darling~!
    Lovely lovely, it shall be wonderful to have you here with us <3
    How have you been?
    Post by: Daxa~, Jun 29, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  3. Daxa~
  4. Daxa~
    Why thank you darling, most kind <3

    Oh god, nearly made me spit out my tea xD
    Merci my dearest Cat~

    I had no need to stalk it, it loved me.
    Every morning at half five I got a lovely song. Yesh indeed.
    Post by: Daxa~, Jun 29, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  5. Daxa~
  6. Daxa~
    Lovely, lovely <3

    Oh hai sweetheart <3~
    Post by: Daxa~, Jun 29, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  7. Daxa~
  8. Daxa~
    Is it bad I am rather proud of that mashing of names?

    I am not sure yet, my handwriting is awful. So awful. Only a few can read it. But on the other hand, I do not know just where I put the printer (as only I can lose a freaking massive printer).
    Oh my, I am most proud. SOON. SOON. YOU SHALL BE PRETTY AND PINK.

    Why thank you fishy, I missed you <3
    I named a bird which sat outside my window everyday 'Adam FishMcScot', just for you. Not even joking, it was a lovely bird.
    Post by: Daxa~, Jun 29, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  9. Daxa~
  10. Daxa~
  11. Daxa~
    Thank you sweetie <3
    And blarghhhh, my timing is rather awful, indeed it is.

    I got my lovely green umbrella here, my body is ready <3
    And I have plans, many plans, involving getting a letter to you before the end of summer holidays. So expect post in the next two months.

    Hai sweetie~

    Burnjamin~! (See what I did there :3)
    Post by: Daxa~, Jun 29, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  12. Daxa~
  13. Daxa~
  14. Daxa~
    Profile Post

    [IMG] Oh hai Adam <3

    [IMG] Oh hai Adam <3
    Profile Post by Daxa~ for Feenie, Jun 29, 2012
  15. Daxa~
    Oh my, new thread, new thread.
    Hello everyone <3
    Post by: Daxa~, Jun 29, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  16. Daxa~
  17. Daxa~
  18. Daxa~
  19. Daxa~


    Such a wonderful thread title, yesh indeed~
    Hello there anyone and everyone who happens to be reading this.
    I just thought I might mention, as I do like to try and pretend that people on here care about me, that I shall be rather busy for the next few weeks, and, as a result, need a break from KHV. Just because, yesh.
    Starting tomorrow I have lots of lovely exams, going on until next Friday, the 15th. And me being me, it is very possible I have done no study, cursed lack of general motivaion. So yesh, three years worth of stuff for 11 different subjects. Blargh. I am then off to Croatia for twelve days, and though I am told there shall be internet access, I shall most likely be too busy getting sunburnt to be on much. Added to that, all sorts of blargish things keep happening to those I love, family and friends, and I need to....get my head together again I suppose. As I can feel myself getting closer to doing something stupid once again, and I don't really want that to happen.
    So yesh. If anyone wants to contact me, for whatever reason keep dreaming Danu~ I shall be checking up on Tumblr nearly every day (lovely distraction it is, just lovely) and my Yahoo email thingy. But yesh. Yesh yesh yesh.
    Love you all ever so much, more than I should most likely, and I shall miss you all dearly <3
    Thread by: Daxa~, Jun 5, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  20. Daxa~
    Nothing nothing, nothing at all. Yesh.
    How are you?

    Hello Adam, I am...stressed, but alright, thank you kindly for asking.
    How are you?
    Post by: Daxa~, Jun 4, 2012 in forum: The Playground