Hello dear, how has life been treating you?
Long time no talk sweetie~
Oh they know, I have been posting for a good while now~
I am looking forward to seeing you all cosplayed up now dear, yesh indeed <3 Oh good, I am happy to hear that sweetie. I have been better than usual, always a plus <3
Oh good, I am very glad <3
Oh lovely, this new thread has all sorts of wonderful people arriving <3 How are you finding it, with us crazy people, so far?
Meow meow, Flareon is one smexy fire cat. So there.
Hello darling <3 It was lovely, just lovely, thank you for asking. Very warm though, yesh indeed. How have you been~?
Wonderful wonderful, I am ever so glad to hear that <3
I missed you. <3
Oh you lucky girl~ AND BLARGH NO.
I see, I see, very smart my dear. Maybe as a birthday/Christmas/otherrandom present or something? And then we all must see pictures, yesh indeed.
I normally sun burn, not tan, so it really is a first xD And maybe Skype, no one needs to see Danu, blargh no.
No no no, silly fishy. Now ssshh. Anytime, now get to writing more darling, I am interested in the story now. Adam, you are lovely, now hush up...
And together, you can cosplay and have ever so many FEELS about it c: Sounds like a wonderful plan sweetie pie. Anytime darling, you had that name before yesh?
Better than usual, I HAVE A TAN for the first time ever, and thousands more freckles. Yesh yesh. We shall prove to him my dear...but how~?
Define "lovely". I did sing back to it, but I would not describe it as "lovely" xD Not at all, not at all <3 Oh lovely, lovely, lovely~! I do hope you two have a wonderful time, yesh indeed. And you must turn her into a fangirl (or fanwoman? Fanmum?). It is a must. Then you can fangasm over it together, lovely family bonding right there. Why hai there darling, is that a name change I spy~?
Sweetheart~! I have missed you ever so much, I really really have. How has life been treating you darling? And a message?
Lovely to the deaf perhaps. Not at all fishy! You have a very nice descriptive writing style, yesh indeed. It is fast paced, but not overly so,...
Darling Nigel, I adore him. Oh my, I am so proud of you sweetheart~! Though of course it would be a hit, if you wrote it. Yesh indeed. Nothing much, got back last night from a lovely (if boiling~) holiday in the lovely Croatia, yesh indeed. And my dearest friends have just rang me, saying they shall be staging a "Welcome home Danu you mad stalker" party at a funfair on Sunday. Yesh yesh :3