Which is why I love it~ I was so mad when I heard. In all honesty, did anyone use fanfiction.net for fics without lemon? And so many amazing ones, gone. Blarghhh. At least I still have that Archive of Our Own thingy, yesh yesh.
I was waiting for some kinky talking here. I really have been reading far too many fanfics lately. I regret nothing~
Oh blargh, super late reply, apologies my darling~ T'was very yesterday, and then blargh happened last night, but blargh, apologies. Hope you...
I am sure its better than my beach bod dear~
Oh god yesh, my shoulders don't match any of me anymore xD And my elbows. Are covered in freckles. And I don't know why. ELBOWS. Of all places. I...
Well you could have said that before hand, you silly moo. Then have lots of fun, don't get sunburnt, find some tea~ You know you love us, deep inside.
[SPOILER] Narrrgg. I want. So much. All of them. Narggghh.
I am when I am aware people are watching, or am aware I am doing it with people watching. As I spend all my time singing and dacning, and I do not realise I am, until someone points it out, then I go hide in the corner. So we shall duet, in a different room to everyone else, and everyone will be happy. inbeforeCatand "David Ten-inch" ..... My poor darling.
It will, it will, that I swear <3 Sounds like a plan, you can have the pools, I will take the room with a glass roof and one wall of windows, filled with blankets and things needed to make tea. Not to forget dancing and awful karaoke nights. Good good, and nothing very odd has happened while I was away? And have a lovely shower~ My goodness me. Thats rather impressive sweetheart. RELAX, DRINK TEA. And when the weekend comes, sleep through it all.
I have been better than usual, always a plus. Thank you kindly for asking <3 And yourself? I am guessing you have been very busy, yesh, and I do hope not to super busy and you can still function. Indeed. Damn right, with all the rooms and swimming pools and other random wonderful stuff. Alright, rather stressed right now, but nothing some tea won't sort out (I hope~). Indeed I am back, indeed I am. And I missed you as well my dear, did not realise how much you made me laugh. How have you been lately?
I missed you too sweetheart, ever so much <333
Agreed, good taste does not mean good parenting, unfortunatly. And I still have another three years (or six, might have to stay and be sure my brother is safe). But yesh yesh, good afternoon DT sweetie <3 Hai Hu-Bu <3
Blargh but getting better, thank you for asking dear. And yourself? Oh hai there fishy. I have a message (kinda) thingy from Ingrid for you (by which I mean her blathering on, and me decideding to tell you what she said). Anyways, she misses you, thinks you look just lovely (AS I SAID, CREEPER IRISH STALKING DOUBLE ACT GO) and then got all emotional. Indeed. At half three in the morning. But yesh. <3 My mother dyed her hair red like Grells and followed handsome men in business suits with me, calling them all "William~!". She also, along with my grandmother, brought myself Tigger ears and my brother Winnie the Pooh ears, so we could sing the Hundred Acre Wood song walking down the road together. And she is my stalking teacher, but ssh.
Good afternoon all.
The weather is very odd today here, boiling then freezing, raining then sunny, then windy and cloudy, then blue skies. Very odd indeed. Glad to hear it. Nigel is ashamed in you.
Alright, thank you kindly for asking darling. Found my old Tigger ears, and wore them all day...which led to ever so many children staring at me, and hugging my legs. Blargh, children. But yesh. How are you?
Sounds like a plan, enjoy work~
When I locate zee computer, I shall dust off both if you would like sweetie?
Good evening all~
Thank you darling, we must make the thread live again. Yesh.