Saxima sweetie, lovely to see you~ It is just so perfect.
It shall indeed~
I'm not that cheap. Eehehheee I make myself laugh~ My god. Adam, you have all my respect right now, all of it. These new members are rather...
Now we wait, and save up money. Until the day arrives~
Off topic, but I am watching Hero, that martial arts fighting movie thingy. It always makes me cry. And I said I would not cry this time. Now I type this with tears running down my face. Oh yesh. I don't even like the movie all that much, but at the same time I love it.
ASDfglkahgvdskfhdgfBLARGHsdfsl;akjhgsklf to you Mr.Fish. Oh my, what about? I adore KHV arguements, they are so wonderful to laugh at.
I WILL TEACH YOU. Oh yesh, this gets better. I adore swimming. And we can always stay in the shallows my dear~ So, it is a plan? c:
Right. Here is the new plan. You come to Ireland. We go around, seeing the sights. I make you go swimming as well, just because the sea is lovely....
Nicely said DT~
My word of the day is now pingggg me thinks~ Ohh, lovely, lovely. I used to rule the world~
Yellow is a lovely colour, indeed it is~! And Ireland is almost too green it must be said, I am always shocked everytime I come back home after a...
My great gran-uncle lives in Texas~! And it is not, from pictures I have seen in is lovely.
Blarghhh. Subject change me thinks. WHAT SONGS DID COLDPLAY DO? /stillsojelly
Ireland is in a strange mood, half sunny, half rainy~ And not all the sidewalks are made of stone, most are concrete, indeed.
Ehehhehee. BANGBANGBANG~ Nearly everyone I know, but myself and my dad. You don't need milk in iced tea, so I shall forgive you for that :3
Bahaha, I never had a mind~ .....blubber? ;;
Oh hai there. I do believe I was sent here to you, being told to mention something about myself being Rem?...
I seee, I seeee. It is, I remember now.