i've downloaded several gigs in a matter of seconds before, i had to make sure i wasnt hallucinating. it was pretty ridic
and homesar is back with a new video
literally hitler
may i suggest scary movie 4
second mafia win. good job guys.
the only game i know on there is the yawhg and i havent played it.
both are right because both are such qts
well, considering it's cheaper than a vita, this might be something i'll pick up down the line to play some of the odd vita games i want to play.
thanks for being such a tubular friend
I'm actually really upset that these are coming out after they announced the New 3DS. I've been hyped about that Persona one for so long, and it's finally coming out, but it's already outdated hardware. THANKS NINTENDO
why should i do what you tell me to?
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post 7 gets it
because his life choices are wrong and mine are right damn it
looks like you had a **** time mate