only if there are h-scenes with velociraptors
doesnt matter as long as i can romance this thing
because of course a fad needs to be milked for all it's got while it's still fresh.
**** i love foxygen. that's really weird though.
i dont like treasure planet so im really hoping this isnt true.
my dial-up is being slow and the page isnt loading. i cant even load geocities.
accept your fate and fail all those tests
oh god i'm back in june
spend it all on video games and weed instead
woah woah woah what about gta 5? and the last of us? and sleeping dogs? those already are the best games of 2014. and we know this because they already came out before. so clearly, we are making some great progress.
why does ironman look like a 70's pornstar
that reminded me of this thing i read about some south american girl being taught by her mother or grandmother that shoving a potato up her vag and keeping it there for a few days was legit birth control. she ended up growing a potato inside of her and needed it removed with surgery. also, i guess i just killed the thread. woops
Arrested Development literally the pinnacle of tv comedy
and it's for keeps too
i really just don't give a **** anymore. market's oversaturated with superhero flicks and all these bigwigs are gonna keep throwing money at it, without even implementing any sort of artistry. that said, guardians of the galaxy was the most ****ing fun i had at the theater in a long time, but my expectations for the only other comic flick i gave a **** about (ant-man) were pretty much demolished when edgar wright left production. but this wave has been building up over the past 8 years, it's gonna crash sooner or later.
my dick is 60 GB and nobody's complained yet
i actually like these better :v