Let me know what alternative games you'd like from the list!
Here are the winners! BoyWonder gets Okami HD Kitty gets Civ V Cat gets Limbo Spike gets 50% off Megaman Tale gets Snakebird Splodge gets Absolute Drift KH530 gets Awesomenauts Ghost gets Broken Age Fearless, Jiku, DigitalAtlas, and Plums, I can give you guys consolation prizes in the form of the leftover games, so let me know what you want. It'll be on a first come, first serve basis. The winners can expect a PM from me with their codes.
Thanks :)
There's a planned buddy system to help you earn candies for your pokemon while you walk. http://pokemongolive.com/en/post/buddy/ Since hunting for Pokemon is kinda hit and miss now, this will probably get me back out there.
This is how it's gonna go down. I've got games and other junk. You want 'em. Let's go. Pick a number between 1 & 500 and your first and second pick of games from the list below. You'll get your first pick, unless it's been taken by the time you're drawn, then you'll get your 2nd pick. I'll draw the winners in 48 hours from now. gl;hf Steam keys: 1001 Spikes Absolute Drift Awesomenauts Broken Age Bulb Boy Deathtrap The Escapists DLC: Alacatraz Limbo Sid Meier's Civilization V Snakebird Origin keys: Dead Space Other: Curse Premium 30-day Subscription Devilian Extra Life Humble Bundle Package Stronghold Kingdoms — Humble Kingmaker Bundle WildStar — Jumpstart Pack XSplit Premium 1-Month License (Possibly expired, so have an alternate choice) Playstation 3 Keys: Lost Planet 3 Okami HD Playstation Store Coupons: 50% Off Mega Man Legacy Collection 45% Off Street Fighter V
then who was bird?
i have some steam, origin, and ps3 keys. should i do a raffle-type giveaway or just do a first come first serve thing? i'd like to give them to people who would actually play them
Isn't that just anime as a whole?
why not nsfw? ;)
smoking pot because it's illegal
japanese because im trash
Spoiler post yours to get rated.
I see you're trying to up the anti here.
They finally made an update on their Facebook page. And tbh, it's not entirely their fault. I think Nintendo/The Pokemon Company pushed it out too early. You could see the Miantic rep''s face go white when they said it would be a July release at E3. And even then, I didn't think it was gonna be so early on July. The game was definitely pushed out earlier than it should have been, but Bianyoc needs transparency, and according to hardcore Ingress players, they don't exactly have a history of solid communication with their player base. So I'm really hoping they continue to communicate like they did today, because having a fairly broken game on their hands isn't doing them any favors.
Niantic is pretty much killing their cash cow with their lack of transparency and some poor updates. RIP Pokemon GO July 2016-July 2016 Edit: Minor text fixes.
If you can leave the airport, travel around the city a bit.
not quite what i imagined.