*is tied up,trying to get away*ah!let me go!DX now what do you mean last? XP
hallo you too,cant stay long,parents are rushing me XP
techno good :P
*uses vampire slaying weapon and destroys destiny*
*has garlic*im prepared for anything
*is whereing helmet* *throws pie*
under a shield to protect from destiny*locks cupcake*
*puts shield around me and reads the amazing adventures of mr.smelly* edit:*brings khhottie30 with me*
*teleports in basement and turns the light out and grabes toy sword and hits wall*begone demon!
*runs and teleports everywhere in the house and blows up 3 dolls and 2 shoes*
*sends monkey instead to eat it*
Ugly side?:poke:
i have become one with the monkey XP*eats more*
i can go through walls*eats your hair*
*eats destinys hair*
*swallows everyone posting*
....*is outta here*
*runs into tree*
*throws pie at rise and hides behind destiny*