*eats RA*:P
The avatar! XP
wow....i didnt know i would be missed this much,all i did was stay at my friends house ^^'
me is confuzzeled
who za what za?
*shoots at Dr.Evil*My chocolate! :yelling:
Hello all .
Me is tired*collapses*
but im still alive......i am the cannibalistic immortal father of the Rockstar family and i will carry that title with me! >D
ive already been digested ><
*eats ANF*
*hugs you to death*oops.......
Destiny!*superultramegadoubleglomps*where were you?????*ultra hugs*
when i saw your avvy i thought i double posted XD any reason?
why ?
Good afternoon Last,Im good,you? Hey summer,what is it?
I have a huge array of konata on my computer XD*uploads*
I like the one in your sig XP
Konata funny :P