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  1. LoneWolf
    Well, it's better than what I anticipated. BBS does have the most voice acting ofany previous KH game, so translating and and lip syncing will take a bit. But, I will be very happy for a June release. I'm not so happy about an August release though, I need something to keep me busy during the summer :/.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Feb 10, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. LoneWolf
    *looks above the coffee mug I happen to be sipping on and sets it on the table gently*
    Good day fine sir, It is good to see you back, being a complete stranger and all, I have the right to speak about total nonsense and ramble about very pointless things such as now. now please join us for some tea >.>.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Feb 6, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. LoneWolf
    If you had 3 wishes, and no wishing for more wishes...

    What would you NOT wish for?
    Thread by: LoneWolf, Feb 6, 2010, 26 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. LoneWolf
    I like both old and new. Old being the Dreamcast, PS2, etc.
    The new systems being PS3, PSP, and a DS.
    ... Screw this newer stuff. Like upcoming DsiXL... and worst of all...

    The PSP Go...*points and laughs*
    Post by: LoneWolf, Feb 6, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  5. LoneWolf
    What harm could a rainbow colored 2-inch gun do...?
    That's besides the point though. It's sickening to see what our society is becoming. It's safe to say that in our effort to correct poor morals, instead we make a much larger problem then there already is. You can't blame a child his age to not form that thought that a gun is a weapon, unless the child has confronted actual weapons, I do not think that is fathomable is his mind.
    You honestly can't expect children to know adult things, enough said.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Feb 6, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  6. LoneWolf
  7. LoneWolf
  8. LoneWolf
  9. LoneWolf
  10. LoneWolf
    Not much, how about you?
    Profile Post by LoneWolf for Vladimir Makarov, Jan 31, 2010
  11. LoneWolf
    Profile Post

    Hey comrade

    Hey comrade
    Profile Post by LoneWolf for Vladimir Makarov, Jan 30, 2010
  12. LoneWolf
  13. LoneWolf
  14. LoneWolf
    So, during my sophmore year, I had a funny biology teacher...So there we were, talking about a cell process called 'phagocitosis'.
    Then he said after his lecture..., "Although some people may have more FAGocites than others..." and looked at me in the eye...
    *waits for insult*
    Thread by: LoneWolf, Jan 18, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. LoneWolf
  16. LoneWolf
    Well, **** he made ME mad! LoneWolf smash!
    Post by: LoneWolf, Jan 15, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. LoneWolf
    I posted in the Spam zone!! :)
    Thread by: LoneWolf, Jan 15, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. LoneWolf
    Chapter 11

    "You... He was right," Kazumeta hissed under his breath, "You look just like him." Darius stood there, lost for words. He could barely hear Kazumeta under that howling of the biting wind. Darius looked at the massive wolf standing by him, its head standing to the top of his shoulder.
    The wolf spoke, "Such a charming young man isn't he?" Darius looked at the wolf, dumbfounded. It had the voice of a young girl, roughly his age, "It's quite too bad, Kazumeta, he's going to destroy you when the time comes. I know this because Ten, Orvil, and not to mention, Silia the arch-angel have told me this." The wolf seemed to grin tauntingly.
    Kazumeta crossed his arms, "Is that right, Larci? If I remember correctly, Silia was slain by Number Two, Trajetis. Also, if you want to lie to me, prepare yourself to drown in your blood." Larci shook her head like a dog and snorted mockingly.
    With a flash of white light, Darius was standing back in the pond where he first saw the wolf-girl thing.
    Annabelle shouted, "Darius! What happened? Are you hurt?"
    Darius shook his head, "No, but it seems that I'm famous around here. Turns out there's a man named Kazumeta that seems to be connected to us somehow. That wolf-girl, she seems to know what we got ourselves into. Also," Darius looked at the wolf with golden fur, "I think that wolf is Seabastian. Somehow he must have been turned into that."
    Annabelle looked at Seabastian sitting between them and looked up at them, "You really think so?" She kneeled down looked at the wolf, "Seabastian?" His ears perked up and he wagged his tail. Annabelle stood up and nodded her head.
    Darius sighed a breath of relief and looked at the sky. The moon's red molten core was visible. Like a large meteor grazed it and took a large chunk of the moon with it on the meteor's collision course.
    Darius studied it for a short while and looked at Seabastian, "We should go back and tell Master Ten about this in the morning." They all walked back to Fort Centris, having a sense of duty in their step along the way.


    Kazumeta stood in front of a very large gate. The gate was very large, with doors nearly five feet thick. a symbol was carved on the front of the gate which depicted a shape a pentagram with two angels standing on the left and right sides. Holding out their hands as if they were preaching.
    Kazumeta then spoke, "I will free all of your tormented minions and prisoners, Sonvorix." He turned around and walked back toward the rendevouz point in Sector 3.
    Upon arrival, Trajetis looked in Kazumeta's direction, "Did you catch the eavesdropping scum?" Kazumeta merely shook his head and ordered him and his troops back to base. He felt a sense of uneasiness, Daemon's alternate form seemed to brim with the same power he once possessed while he still walked this planet. If what Larci said was true, his plan for the destruction of Alternate Earth would never become true. Not succeeding would spell disaster for the demented residents locked behind the Angel's Gate. It would do every unhappy soul a favor by freeing them, and destroying this planet to skip the spirit life process and head straight to the afterlife. A pointless redemption nothing to set foot in the alternate reality deserved.
    Nothing will escape his path of retribution. Not after he was doomed to rot in a mentally insane asylum. But, with his dark magic he escaped. He gave root to a plan to free Sonvorix and destroy every spirit being who took everything away from him. His pride, his amibtions, his friends, even his lost love.


    Later that same day Darius and Annabelle found Seabastian as a beast, the three explained what had happened the previous night as best as they could. Darius had a little trouble explaining his side of the story since it happened too quiickly for him to assess full details. Ten explained to them the black-haired girl was actually Orvil's daughter who would take the throne upon his death. She was currently hired as an assassin and a bounty hunter to cut down Provident resistance. Her loyalty to the king was unmatched. The other servants admired her perseverance and willpower. The Provident Amry had several of these indispensable allies, but the three Dreamers were the most valuable of all.
    Ten finished his story with a long sigh, "So you see, Larci, and you three are priceless to our cause. Also, training will resume today, so get your things ready, I will meet you in the courtyard." The three buckled on their weapon holsters and walked out to the courtyard where Ten waited for them.
    He smiled, "Glad you could join me today. Now, I must teach you in the art of elemental magic," Ten cracked his knuckles looked up atthe white sky, "the three most common forms of magic are the based on the four elements proposed bythe Greeks. Fire, wind, earth, and air. Now, each of these elements can only be used by touching certain emotions in your heart. Fire connects to anger, wind is connected to joy and happiness, water relates to sadness and despair, and earth represents deermination and your power of will."
    "These are the basic combat magic. There is a huge scale of types of magic that can be used, and new magic is still being discovered today. That is what makes Kazumeta so powerful, he has the power to create and renew his emotions so he can achieve the upper hand."
    Seabastian, puzzled, said, "How can you use it? do you just say your angry and flames will shoot from your hands or something? I don't get it."
    Ten chuckled and shook his head, "No Seabastian. You must feel the emotion. I'm pretty sure you all have dealt with those four emotions. So recalling them and feeling them is not the issue," He snapped his fingers and a small gust of wind came rushing by, "You need to know when your feeling the emotion, a memory of some kind will trigger the magic and will do whatever you tell it to."
    Darius looked atthe grass,"Hwo do you know what memory will make it work?"
    Ten looked at him, "You will nkow once you are casting a spell. Now, I want you three to show me a display of one of the four types of magic I taught you." Darius, Seabastian, and Annabelle stood up and stepped back in case they froze or burned Master Ten to death or something strange.
    They tried and succeeded multiple times before Ten stopped them, "Excellent! That was better than I expected. Darius, come with me for a moment." Darius interrupted his magic exercises and followed Ten who stood by the pond in the courtyard.
    Ten put a hand on his shoulder and smiled, "You know those friends of yours back on normal Earth? Well, they are going to make a full recovery."
    Post by: LoneWolf, Jan 15, 2010 in forum: Archives
  19. LoneWolf


    Can I have a sip?
    Post by: LoneWolf, Jan 15, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. LoneWolf
    Beats FFXIII eh? Wow, I was anxious about FFXIII, but seeing as how BBS tops that... Wow.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Jan 15, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX